
2021, Berlin

Sergey Shabohin is an artist, independent curator, author of texts about art, archivist and researcher of Belarusian culture. He is the co-founder and editor-in-chief of the Kalektar research platform for contemporary Belarusian art, a member of the working group of the OpenMuzej initiative, and the founder and editor-in-chief of the Art Aktivist portal about activism and contemporary Belarusian art.

He owns the Gray Mandorla Studio space in Poznan. He has curated and co-curated several exhibitions, programs, and competitions. He is a Belarusian art activist, author of lectures, creator of numerous cultural initiatives, co-founder of cultprotest.me, and initiator of the program aimed at creating a Museum of Contemporary Art in Belarus. The artist is also involved in interdisciplinary practices: directing films and performances, collaborating with musicians and theatergoers.

Born in Navapolack (Belarus). Lives and works in Poznan and Berlin.

Sergey Shabohin regularly resorts to the method of archiving, accumulating digital and analog archival collections – sometimes total collections of objects and images. To prepare his works he often constructs glossaries, uses "A4" quasi-office aesthetics, and develops the concept of forming author's traveling museums. In order to establish a research archive (and museum in the future), Sergey Shabohin created the Kalektar platform, which collects, analyzes and publishes the history of Belarusian contemporary art as a digital encyclopedia.

Sergey Shabohin is a queer artist, often referring in his works to the anti-patriarchal fem- and queer-optics, the codes of the LGBTQ+ community and the aspect of sexuality. Corporeality, biopolitics, and the category of the "social body" are frequent topics reflected in his works. His artistic language is particularly sensitive to the injustices and problems of invisible and disadvantaged communities, as well as to the theme of displaced and invisible history/memories, which he tries to identify and bring back into the public context.

The artist resorts to interdisciplinary practices: in addition to visual art, he regularly works with the spheres of theater, film and music, and actively interacts with representatives of both the art system and civic activists, philosophers and writers. He uses a wide multimedia toolkit: graphic, pictorial, sculptural and photographic practices, works with found objects and images, creates videos and installations, and works with text and narrativity.

In the 2010s, on the wave of civil society activity, he manifested the need to switch from partisan strategies in Belarusian art to art activism, for which he launched the Art Aktivist portal, which during three years raised the most topical issues and contributed to the politicization of Belarusian art. During this period, the artist completely rejected graphic and pictorial practices, using deliberately poor anti-esthetics and activist strategies, proclaiming his own slogans, criticizing the art system, actively giving lectures on contemporary art (also illegally at the Belarusian Academy of Art).  Sergey Shabohin is ranked among the leaders of the generation of young Belarusian artists of the first half of the 2010s for his work and activism.

In 2015, he became one of the founders of the contemporary art research platform KALEKTAR, which today represents a large digital archive of Belarusian art in the form of an encyclopedia and online magazine. In 2016, the artist emigrated from Belarus, and since then has lived and worked in Bialystok, Warsaw, Poznan and Berlin. During this time, he has reflected on migration, borders, and bureaucracy in adapting to the new political conditions and actively integrating into the environment, interacting with local colleagues. In 2021, he opened Gray Mandorla Studio in Poznan. In 2020, on the wave of protest movement in Belarus, together with Maksim Tyminko, he developed a resource with protest posters cultprotest.me, which also became a space for anti-war posters during the full-scale military invasion of Ukraine by Russia in 2022. Since 2023, he has been a member of the working group for the project to create a nomadic museum of Belarusian contemporary art, Open Muzej.

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︎General biography      ︎Awards      ︎Residences      ︎Solo exhibitions      ︎Group shows      ︎Curatorial projects        

General biography

Born in Novopolotsk (Belarus)

Lives and works in Minsk

Studies at Republican College of Art in Minsk
Studies at Belarusian State Academy of Arts in Minsk

Curator and co-curator of some exhibitions and programs in Ў Gallery in Minsk

Founder and editor in chief of the portal of contemporary Belarusian art and activism Art Aktivist

Since 2015
Co-founder and editor in chief of the platform of contemporary Belarusian art Kalektar

Lives and works in Warsaw and Bialystok 
Since 2020
Lives and works in Poznań and Berlin
Since 2021
Founder and owner Gray Mandorla Studio in Poznań
Since 2023
Member of the working group of the Open Musej project


MPM Bureau AwardNomination: Photography curator of the year for Ana Loktionova
Exhibition Sergey Shabohin: 18 / Practices of Subordination, Canteen XYZ, Minsk, Belarus  / curator: Ana Loktionova

Rada Award. Nomination: Best Art Project 2018 
Exhibition Sergey Shabohin: 18 / Practices of Subordination, Canteen XYZ, Minsk, Belarus  / curator: Ana Loktionova

Artvilnius’11 festival. Nomination: Best Project of Foreign Gallery (Ў Gallery, Minsk, Belarus)
Exhibition She Cannot Say Heaven, Vilnius, Lithuania  / curators: Valentina Kiselyova, Alexey Lunev, Sergey Shabohin
Winner of the pavilion: The Belarusian Hall 53 Venice Biennale. Nominations: The Jury’s Choice & The Choice of Viewers
Belexpo, Minsk, Belarus


+ plein air and stipend

3 – 31 October, 2024
Mochnarte / (residence), Mochnarte Foundation, Mochnate, Poland / with: Sergey Kiryuschenko and Alexey Lunev
3 – 11 August, 2024
Summer International Theater Academy in Munich (residence), Munich, Germany / with: Kiryl Masheka
June 15 – July 15, 2024
SDK (residence/stipend)Staromiejski Dom Kultury, Warsaw, Poland
July 20 – August 27, 2023
Berlin: the Thirst for Freedom (residence), Goethe-Institut, Berlin, Germany 
1 – 8 August, 2022
 4 – 12 May, 2022
Rezi.dance (residence), Rezi.dance, Komařice, Czech Republic

 12 – 27 July, 2021
Social Marble: Nationalization of Freedom (residence), Rosa Stern Space, Munich, Germany

 6 – 15 April, 2021
375 0908 2334 (residence), Neue Nachbarschaft // Moabit, Berlin, Germany 

5 – 15 February, 2021
375 0908 2334 (residence), Klub Storrady, Szczecin, Poland

15 – 27 June, 2020
Landscape as a Monument (online residence), Izolytsia, Kyiv, Ukraine

11 – 22 September, 2019
Forum Regionum (residence), Dnipro Center for Contemporary Culture, Dnepr, Ukraine 

25 – 29 July, 2019
Contexts 2019 / IX International Festival of Ephemeral Art (festival and plein air), Sokołowsko, Poland

November 20 – December 20, 2018
Slavs & Tatars studio (residence), Berlin, Germany 

20 – 28 August, 2017
Shadow of Freedom, within Paradzhanov Festival (festival and plein air), Suputnik place, Lviv, Ukraine
18 – 24 September, 2017
Art Prosрect (festival and plein air), Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

5 – 18 July, 2017
ПУСТ* (research and plein air), Minsk and Belavezha Forest, Belarus

7 – 10 August, 2017
Astravec of Culture (ecological plein air), Astravec, Belarus

February 1 – July 31, 2016
Gaude Polonia (stipend), Warsaw, Poland  / curator: Sarmen Beglarian

September 12 – Oktober 9, 2016
ПУСТ*, ZKM (residence), Karlsruhe, Germany

01 – 30 September, 2013
The East of Culture / Another Dimension, Galeria Arsenal (residence), Bialystok, Poland  / curator: Monika Szewczyk

Solo exhibitions

+ total and public art installations, solo shows in duets and groups, performances

Alexey Lunev and Sergey Shabohin: Title Pages (in duet), Mochnarte, Mochnate, Poland
375 0908 2334. The body you are calling is currently not available (1 performance), Genova, Italy  / director: Sergey Shabohin, performer: Igor Shugaleev
Atlas of Tectonic Landscapes (solo), Arsenal, Poznań  / curator: Marek Wasilewski
We are Stern Consumers of Cultural Revolutions (solo), The ING Polish Art Foundation / Podgląd gallery, Warsaw, Poland
Alexey Lunev and Sergey Shabohin: Queer Tracing Paper (in duet), Barbara Baryżewska gallery, Warsaw, Poland  / curator: Andrii Dostliev
375 0908 2334. The body you are calling is currently not available (2 performances), The Week Against Torture, Vilnius, Lithuania  / director: Sergey Shabohin, performer: Igor Shugaleev
Ich heiße Frau Troffea (2 performances), Theater­festival Spielart, Munich, Germany  / director: Sergey Shabohin, performer: Igor Shugaleev
Ich heiße Frau Troffea (1 performance), Malta Festiwal, Poznań, Poland  / director: Sergey Shabohin, performer: Igor Shugaleev
Ich heiße Frau Troffea (6 performances), Nowy Teatr, Warsaw, Poland  / director: Sergey Shabohin, performer: Igor Shugaleev
Ich heiße Frau Troffea (3 performances), Opener 2023, Gdynia, Poland  / director: Sergey Shabohin, performer: Igor Shugaleev
375 0908 2334. The body you are calling is currently not available (performance), Munich, Germany  / director: Sergey Shabohin, performer: Igor Shugaleev
375 0908 2334. The body you are calling is currently not available (performance), Spring Performing Arts Festival, Utrecht, Holland  / director: Sergey Shabohin, performer: Igor Shugaleev
375 0908 2334. The body you are calling is currently not available (2 performances), Theatertreffen, Berlin, Germany  / director: Sergey Shabohin, performer: Igor Shugaleev
375 0908 2334. The body you are calling is currently not available (3 performances), Nowy Teatr, Warsaw, Poland  / director: Sergey Shabohin, performer: Igor Shugaleev
Social Marble: Plate Tectonics (solo), within the framework of the festival Artisterium’15, Cube in Context, Tbilisi, Georgia
Sergey Shabohin & Christoph Ogiermann: Practises of Subordination (in duet), Eclat Festival / Konzert 13, Theaterhaus Stuttgart,  Germany  / curator: Lena Prents
Ich heiße Frau Troffea (5 performances), Nowy Teatr, Warsaw, Poland  / director: Sergey Shabohin, performer: Igor Shugaleev
Ich heiße Frau Troffea (1 performance), Prague Pride, Prague, Czech  / director: Sergey Shabohin, performer: Igor Shugaleev
Ich heiße Frau Troffea (1 performance), JunОst in Bayern. Summer International Theater Academy in Munich, Munich, Germany  / director: Sergey Shabohin, performer: Igor Shugaleev
375 0908 2334. The body you are calling is currently not available (performance), WOK Lab, Warsaw, Poland  / director: Sergey Shabohin, performer: Igor Shugaleev
375 0908 2334. The body you are calling is currently not available (performance), Florian teatro Festival, Pescara, Italy  / director: Sergey Shabohin, performer: Igor Shugaleev
375 0908 2334. The body you are calling is currently not available (performance), Placcc Festival, Budapest, Hungary  / director: Sergey Shabohin, performer: Igor Shugaleev
375 0908 2334. The body you are calling is currently not available (performance), Minsk&Minga Festival, Munich, Germany  / director: Sergey Shabohin, performer: Igor Shugaleev
375 0908 2334. The body you are calling is currently not available (performance), Homo Novus Festival, Riga, Latvia  / director: Sergey Shabohin, performer: Igor Shugaleev
375 0908 2334. The body you are calling is currently not available (2 performances), Internationale Tanzmesse nrw, Düsseldorf, Germany  / director: Sergey Shabohin, performer: Igor Shugaleev
375 0908 2334. The body you are calling is currently not available (performance), Zürcher Theater Spektakel Festival, Zürich, Switzerland  / director: Sergey Shabohin, performer: Igor Shugaleev
375 0908 2334. The body you are calling is currently not available (2 performances), Santarcangelo Festival, Santarcangelo, Italy  / director: Sergey Shabohin, performer: Igor Shugaleev
375 0908 2334. The body you are calling is currently not available (performance), Bliski Wschód Festival, Lublin, Poland / director: Sergey Shabohin, performer: Igor Shugaleev
375 0908 2334. The body you are calling is currently not available (performance), Contemporary Art Days, Bialystok, Poland  / director: Sergey Shabohin, performer: Igor Shugaleev
375 0908 2334. The body you are calling is currently not available (performance), Побач. Independent Art from Belarus Festiva, Festspielhaus Hellerau, Dresden, Germany  / director: Sergey Shabohin, performer: Igor Shugaleev
375 0908 2334. The body you are calling is currently not available (3 performances), Nowy Teatr, Warsaw, Poland  / director: Sergey Shabohin, performer: Igor Shugaleev
Social Marble: Nationalization of Freedom (solo), Rosa Stern Space, Munich, Germany  / curator: Lena Prents
Sergey Shabohin & Christoph Ogiermann: Practices of Subordination cycle: Score (in duet), festival Echoes. Voices from Belarus, Stuttgart, Germany
Naród sobie: Green Christmas Star (solo), Teatr Polski, Poznan, Poland 
Social Marble: Cover (public art installation), XIII public art festival Open City, Lublin, Poland  / curator: Andrei Dureika
375 0908 2334. The body you are calling is currently not available (performance), International Divine Comedy Theatre Festival, Krakow Poland  / director: Sergey Shabohin, performer: Igor Shugaleev
375 0908 2334. The body you are calling is currently not available (performance), Kutna Hora Performing Arts Festival, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic  / director: Sergey Shabohin, performer: Igor Shugaleev
375 0908 2334. The body you are calling is currently not available (3 performances), International contemporary dance festival New Baltic Dance, Vilnius, Lithuania  / director: Sergey Shabohin, performer: Igor Shugaleev
375 0908 2334. The body you are calling is currently not available (3 performances), Klub Storrady, Szczecin, Poland  / director: Sergey Shabohin, performer: Igor Shugaleev
375 0908 2334. The body you are calling is currently not available (performance), Haus der Statistik, Berlin, Germany  / director: Sergey Shabohin, performer: Igor Shugaleev
375 0908 2334. The body you are calling is currently not available (2 performances), Neue Nachbarschaft // Moabit, Berlin, Germany  / director: Sergey Shabohin, performer: Igor Shugaleev
375 0908 2334. The body you are calling is currently not available (performance) , Generation After 5. Showcase, Nowy Teatr, Warsaw, Poland  / director: Sergey Shabohin, performer: Igor Shugaleev
Social Marble: the Rise of Civil Society in Belarus (solo), House der Statistic, Berlin, Germany

Social Marble: Scenery (solo), square in front of the Teatr Polski, Poznan, Poland  / curator: Agata Siwiak

Social Marble in the Center of Europe (solo), OK16, Minsk, Belarus

Sergey Shabohin and Paweł Matyszewski: Styk (duet), KH Space, Brest, Belarus
Greenhouse Conditions (total installation), Congress-Performance of Cultural Workers, Lo-Fi Social Club, Minsk, Belarus 
ST()RE #11: Blind Window (total installation), Forum Regionum, Dnipro Center for Contemporary Culture, Dnepr, Ukraine
Fear of Castration (total installation) for exhibition We Will Not Change Our Show, Brno House of Art, Brno, Czech 
18 / Practices of Subordination (solo), Canteen XYZ, Minsk, Belarus  / curator: Ana Loktionova
Divided Solidarity (solo), during the festival Artes Liberales 2017, Ў Gallery, Minsk, Belarus

PUST* (in a group), Berthold Centre, Saint Petersburg, Russia  / with: Yuri Akbalkan, Volna group, Isadorino Gore Dance co-op

ST()RE #8, (public art installation) for festival Art Prosрect, Gareyev Botanical Garden, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan  / curators: Muratbek Djumaliev, Gulnara Kasmalieva

Practices of Subordination, (total installation) for exhibition White-Red-White. Contemporary Belarusian Art, CSW Toruń, Torun, Poland  +catalog

Wozu Poesie? (solo), Zentral- und Landesbibliothek Berlin, Germany

Wozu Poesie? (solo), Cultural Literacy in Europe Second Biennial Conference, Warsaw, Poland

Practices of Subordination (solo), Galeria Arsenal Power station, Bialystok, Poland  / curator: Lena Prents  +catalog

PUST* (in a group), ZKM, Kubus space, Karlsruhe, Germany  / with: Yuri Akbalkan, Alexandra Portyannikova, Snezhana Vinogradova

Wozu Poesie? (solo), StAnza Scotland’s International Poetry Festival, St Andrews, Scotland

ST()RE #6, (total installation) for exhibition All That Is Solid Melts into Air, Bogdanovich Museum, Minsk, Belarus

Gold Censorship, (public art installation) for Art Prospect festival, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Wozu Poesie? (solo), City Library Malmö, Sweden

Wozu Poesie? (solo), Umeå International Literary Festival, Umeå, Sweden

Wozu Poesie? (solo), Akademie der Künste Standort Hanseatenweg, Halle 3, Berlin, Germany  +catalog

Wozu Poesie? (solo), The Frankfurter Buchmesse 2013, main programm, Frankfurt, Germany

Wozu Poesie? (solo), Galerie KUB, Leipzig, Germany

ST()RE #1-2, (total installation) for exhibition The East of Culture / Another Dimension, Galeria Arsenal, Bialystok, Poland 

Practices of Subordination, (total installation) for exhibition The Radius оf Zero. The Ontology оf Art-Zero, Horizon plant, Minsk, Belarus  +catalog

Practices of Subordination, (total installation) for inSpiracje International Art Festival, Szczecin, Poland  +catalog

Practices of Subordination, (total installation) for exhibition Young Belarusian Art, flat Mr. Simon Mraz, Moscow, Russia  +catalog

Art Terrorism, (total installation) for exhibition The Journey to the East, Galeria Arsenal, Bialystok, Poland  +catalog

Terror Ready-Made Collection(total installation) for exhibition Im Osten Viel Neues, Gallery of the Polish Institute, Dusseldorf, Germany

ST()RE, (public art installation) at the festival Art Boom, Krakow, Poland  / curator: Hanna Liubakova  +catalog

Autoproject (solo), Ў Gallery, Minsk, Belarus

Vermes (solo), Schaubude Theater, Berlin, Germany

Untitled (solo)Nordens Ljus Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden

Group shows

+ biennales, festivals, art fairs

Limitless BoundaryBWA Zielona Góra, Poland  / curator: Zofia Wiewiorowska
Shelter of LoveDark Angels, Poznan, Poland  / curator: Paweł Leszkowicz
Kurs Tuha, Domie, Poznan, Poland  / curators: Lizaveta Stiatsko, Zuzanna Szczepańska
(Re)LocationsMagdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznań, Poznan, Poland  / curators: Agnieszka Mori, Zoe Chan, Max Skorwider, Witold Modrzejewski
United NationsGaleria W Y, Lodz, Poland
Andrei Dureika: + +, Gray Mandorla Studio, Poznan, Poland / curator: Sergey Shabohin
Antiwarcoalition.art at Art KarlsruheMesse Karlsruhe, Halle 1, Karlsruhe, Germany  / curator: Antiwarcoalition.art
Alexey Lunev and Sergey Shabohin: Queer Tracing Paper, Barbara Baryżewska gallery, Warsaw, Poland  / curator: Andrii Dostliev
Białowieża ForestDuża Scena UAP Gallery, Poznan, Poland  / curator: Volha Arkhipava
PlatformB (online), video Atlas Of Tectonic Landscapes: Through The Eclipse Corridor (with Christoph Ogiermann), Germany 

When the Sun Is Low – the Shadows Are Long, Arsenal Gallery, Bialystok, Poland  / curator: Anna Karpenko 
CoalitionDOMIE, Poznan, Poland  / curators: Martyna Miller, Sergey Shabohin, Katarzyna Wojtczak, Rafał Żarski

When the Sun Is Low – the Shadows Are Long, GfZK – Museum of Contemporary Art Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany  / curator: Anna Karpenko

Radical Hope, exhibition of the Białystok's Arsenal Gallery: Collection II, The National Gallery, Tbilisi, Georgia  / curator: Monika Szewczyk

antiwarcoalition.art (online) / curators: antiwarcoalition.art

When Red and White ain’t so Black and White, Sentiment, Zurich, Switzerland  / curator: Slavs and Tatars’ Pickle Bar

Borderline Case 2.0. East-Central Europe, once again, Budapest Gallery, Budapest, Hungary  / curator: Tamás Don
ECLAT Festival (festival), Theaterhaus Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany 
The Silent Words are FrighteningABA/UQBAR, Berlin, Germany  / curator: Antiwarcoalition.art
ZKM One Week Screeneng / Tactics of Resistance programm, ZKM Entrance Hall, Karlsruhe, Germany  / curator: Antiwarcoalition.art
Screening on Actifis Saturday / Gogbot Festival, Stationspilein, Enschede, Netherlands  / curator: Antiwarcoalition.art

Baltic Triennial 14: The Endless Frontier (triennale), Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius, Lithuania  / curators: Valentinas Klimašauskas and João Laia

Every Day. Art. Solidarity. Resistance, Mystetskyi Arsenal, Kyiv, Ukraine  / curators: Aleksei Borisionok, Andrei Dureika, Marina Naprushkina, Sergey Shabohin, Antonina Stebur, Maxim Tyminko

WAR, XIII public art festival Open City, Lublin, Poland  / curator: Andrei Dureika

Identity inscriptions. Membership. Difference. Gesturein, the framework of Warsaw Gallery Weekend 2021, Biuro Wystaw, Warsaw, Poland  / curators: Sarmen Beglarian, Andrzej Wajs

Unlearning, Domie, Poznan, Poland  / curators: Aleksei Borisionok, Raman Tratsiuk, Vera Zalutskaya
Gray Mandorla Manifest, Gray Mandorla Studio, Poznan, Poland  / curator: Sergey Shabohin

Every Night, in the framework of Berlin Art WeekHaus der Statistik, Berlin, Germany   / curator: Ambasada Kultury

Berlin Art Week PlaylistBerlin Art Week, Haus der Statistik, Berlin, Germany   / curator: ABA

Tectonic Shift, in the framework of Odesa Photo Days 2021, Odesa, Ukraine   / curator: Kateryna Radchenko

Echoes. Voices from Belarus (online festival)Stuttgart, Germany 

Session of Tenderness (online queer festival), Brussels, Belgium / curators: Nikita Kadan, Sergey Shabohin, Monika Szewczyk, Eliza Urwanowicz-Rojecka, Natalia Vatsadze 

Reading the City (online), Vilnius, Lithuania  / curator: Pavel Korbus

FearGaleria Arsenal, Bialystok, Poland  / curators: Nikita Kadan, Sergey Shabohin, Monika Szewczyk, Eliza Urwanowicz-Rojecka, Natalia Vatsadze
Touchable Distance, Ў Gallery, Minsk, Belarus  / curators: Anastasiya Grishanova, Valentina Kiselyova, Anna Chistoserdova

From the Peripheral, Centrum Aktywności Twórczej, Ustka, Poland  / curators: Edyta Wolska, Roman Lewandowski

B.A.R. (Belarus. Art. Revolution), Kulturfabrik Moabit, Berlin Germany  / curator: Sergey Shabohin

We Are PeopleGaleria Labirynt, Lublin, Poland  / curator: Waldemar Tatarczuk

Solidarity and AgencyGaleria Arsenal, Bialystok, Poland  / curators: Katarzyna RóżniakEliza Urwanowicz-Rojecka

All of Poland. The Journey to the Source of Art. Vol. 2, Gdańska Galeria Miejska, Gdansk, Poland  / curator: Anna Mituś
FacelessKH space, Brest, Belarus  / curators: Lizaveta Mikhalchuk 
Belarus Protest Art59 Rivoli, Paris, France  / curators: Kirill Pissarev, Lena Zerka
Lives BelarusMuseum of Contemporary Art in Śrem, Śrem, Poland  / curator: Mark Maksimovich

We Will Not Change Our Show, Brno House of Art, Brno, Czech  / curators: Gyula Muskovics, Martin Vaněk

Ain't Nobody's BusinessPinchukArtCentre, Kyiv, Ukraine  / curators: Valerie Schiller, Alexandra Tryanova

The City of Tomorrow, Art Belarus Gallery, ZAL #2, Minsk, Belarus  / curators: Ruben Arevshatyan, Anna Kats, Georg Schöllhammer, Dmitry Zadorin

Whole Poland. The Expedition to the Sources of Art, BWA Wrocław Gallery Contemporary Art, Wroclaw, Poland  / curator: Anna Mituś

Forum Regionum (residence), Dnipro Center for Contemporary Culture, Dnepr, Ukraine

Today We Will Invent the Nations, Kmytiv Museum of Soviet Art, Kmytiv, Ukraine   / curator: Nikita Kadan

New Works in the Arsenal Gallery Collection II, Arsenal Gallery Power station, Bialystok, Poland  / curator: Monika Szewczyk

Congress-Performance of Cultural Workers, Lo-Fi Social Club, Minsk, Belarus

Love Hope Faith. In Honour of. 2nd part, Exhibition Bureau / Polish Modern Art Foundation, Warsaw, Poland   / curators: Sarmen Beglarian, Sylwia Szymaniak

Love Hope Faith. In Honour of. 3rd part, Exhibition Bureau / Polish Modern Art Foundation, Warsaw, Poland   / curators: Sarmen Beglarian, Sylwia Szymaniak

Wessen Europa? Whose Europe?, CLB Berlin, Berlin, Germany 
100 Flags on the 100th Anniversary of the Polish Women's Suffrage, BWA Wrocław Awangarda Gallery display windows, Wrocław, Poland
100 Flags on the 100th Anniversary of the Polish Women's Suffrage, Central Museum of Textiles, Łódź, Poland

Contexts 2019 / IX International Festival of Ephemeral Art, Sokołowsko, Poland   / curator: Małgorzata Sady

Border, House of Youth, Tashkent, Uzbekistan  / curators: Inke Arns, Thibaut de Ruyter
Border, Hay Art Cultural Center, Yerevan, Armenia  / curators: Inke Arns, Thibaut de Ruyter

Last Meal, W139, Amsterdam, Netherlands  / curators: Vasiliy Bogatov, Taisiya Krugovukh

Utopia, a Place Doesn’t Exist, space Canteen XYZ, Minsk, Belarus  / curator: Ana Loktionova

PRA___BEL, Fundacia Villa Sokrates: XIX Trialog Belarusian Outside, Galeria Krynki, Krynki, Poland  / curator: Andrei Dureika

Los Atravesados, Treize gallery, within Queer Week festival, Paris, France  / curator: Q rators group

Zbor in Progress, Ў Gallery, Minsk, Belarus  / curators: Andrei Dureika, Maxim Tyminko

One Can Not Be Too Careful, Club of the Polish Losers, Berlin, Germany  / curator: Rodina Art Group

Border, National Centre for Contemporary Arts, Yekaterinburg, Russia  / curators: Inke Arns, Thibaut de Ruyter

Border, Kasteyev State Art Museum of Kazakhstan, Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan  / curators: Inke Arns, Thibaut de Ruyter

King/Queen of Matter, Marchand Gallery, Bialystok, Poland

White-Red-White. Contemporary Belarusian Art, CSW Toruń, Toruń, Poland  / curator: Krzysztof Stanisławski  +catalog

Festivities are Cancelled!, (biennale) part of The Kyiv International — Kyiv Bienniale 2017, Tychyna Literary Memorial Museum in Kyiv, Ukraine  / curator: Hudrada

Market, (biennale) part of The Kyiv International — Kyiv Bienniale 2017, Zhytniy Market, Kyiv, Ukraine  / curator: Hanna Tsyba

Art Prosрect (festival), Gareyev Botanical Garden, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan  / curators: Muratbek Djumaliev, Gulnara Kasmalieva

Names, Korpus, Minsk, Belarus  / curators: Anna Karpenko, Antonina Stebur

Names, Art Space, Vitebsk, Belarus  / curators: Anna Karpenko, Antonina Stebur

Names, KH space, Brest, Belarus  / curators: Anna Karpenko, Antonina Stebur

Border, Korpus, Minsk, Belarus  / curators: Inke Arns, Thibaut de Ruyter

Border, MMOMA: Zurab Tsereteli Gallery of Arts, Moscow, Russia  / curators: Inke Arns, Thibaut de Ruyter

Border, ARTPLAY SPB, Saint Petersburg, Russia  / curators: Inke Arns, Thibaut de Ruyter

Border, Krasnoyarsk Museum Center, Krasnoyarsk, Russia  / curators: Inke Arns, Thibaut de Ruyter

Border, art center Plivka, Kyiv, Ukraine  / curators: Inke Arns, Thibaut de Ruyter

Border, Historical Museum Tbilisi, Georgia  / curators: Inke Arns, Thibaut de Ruyter

Border, Hartware MediaKunstVerein HMKV, Dortmund, Germany  / curators: Inke Arns, Thibaut de Ruyter

One Can Not Be Too Careful, Lock In Gallery, Brighton, England  / curator: Rodina Art Group

SALÒ #29: Bentega Independent Kiev Scene, SALÒ club, Paris, France  / curators: Q rators group

Shadow of Freedom (festival), Paradzhanov Festival, Suputnik place, Lviv, Ukraine  / curators: Sarmen BeglarianViktoria Danelian

Astravec of Culture, Ў Gallery, Minsk, Belarus

About Love, Ў Gallery, Minsk, Belarus

QAI/by, Ў Gallery, Minsk, Belarus  / curator: Lena Prents

ZBOR. Belarusian Art Movement, Izolyatsia, Kyiv, Ukraine  / curators: Andrei Dureika, Maxim Tyminko

Now in Poland, Galeria Labirynt, Lublin, Poland  / curator: Waldemar Tatarczuk

Moving the (b)order, studio of sculptor Aytsemik Urartu, Yerevan, Armenia  / curator: Lusine Talalyan

Non-Fashion, NCA, Minsk, Belarus  / curator: Dzina Danilovich

Flip Flap Moment (Ў Gallery booth), Artvilnius’16 (art fair), Lithuanian Art Gallerist Association, Vilnius, Lithuania  +catalog

ZBOR. Constructing an Archive, Arsenal Gallery, Bialystok, Poland  / curators: Sergey Shabohin, Sergey Kiryuschenko

Pro_spectus, Art Prospect (festival), Saint Petersburg, Russia  / with Andrei Dureiko, Igor Savchenko  / curator: Lizaveta Matveeva 

All That Is Solid Melts into Air, Bogdanovich Museum, Minsk, Belarus  / curator: Aleksej Borisenok

Social Grid, Ў Gallery, Minsk, Belarus  / curator: Ilona Dergach

Social Grid, gallery MENO NISA, Vilnus, Lithuania  / curator: Ilona Dergach

Measurements of Emptiness, Ў Gallery, Minsk, Belarus  / curator: Vera Zalutskaja

Diploma, Ў Gallery, Minsk, Belarus

Fear. The Origin of the State, Kunsthalle Žilina, Žilina, Slovakia  / curators: Fedor Blaščák, Christian Kobald

XXY, Ў Gallery, Minsk, Belarus  / curators: Tania Arcimovič, Aleksej Borisenok, Valentina Kiselyova, Inga Lindarenko

The Right to be Forgotten, C-ROOM, Stockholm University’s Frescati Campus, Stockholm, Sweden  / curator: Maria Kotlyachkova

Feminist (Art) Criticism, ZEH space, Minsk, Belarus  / curator: Irina Solomatina  +catalog

Four Corners, Luda Gallery, Saint Petersburg, Russia  / curator: Semen Motolianec

Alphabet, Art Gallery Vashenko, Gomel, Belarus  / curators: Mikhail Gulin, Tatiana Kondratenko, Olga Rybchinskaja, Anna Samarskaja

Protest. Culture. Policy. 2014, Center for Art and Urbanistics, Berlin, Germany

Minsk: (Re) construction, Zeh, Minsk, Belarus  / curators: Vitali Schucky, Ilona Dergach  +catalog

Manifest in the Presence of the Viewer, Azgur Museum, Minsk, Belarus  / curator: Ales Kudrashou

Art Moscow’13 (art fair), Ў Gallery booth, Moscow, Russia

Let`s Talk About … (Ў Gallery booth), Supermarket’13 (art fair), Kulturhuset, Stockholm, Sweden  +catalog

Camera Mañana, AJZ space, Yerevan, Armenia  / curator: Harutyun Alpetyan  

Does Europe matter? in Europe? in China?, Conference Pavilion of Vitamin Creative Space, Beijing, China  / curator: Lena Prents

Hole Mole #2, Warsztaty Kultury, Lublin, Poland  / curators: Anna Chistoserdova, Valentina Kiselyova, Sergey Shabohin

Artist/Collector in Belarus, Ў Gallery, Minsk, Belarus  / curator: Valentina KiselyovaTaciana Arcimović

West of East, Ў Gallery, Minsk, Belarus  / curator: Lena Prents  +catalog

Sound Of Silence: Art Against Dictatorship, EFA Project Space, New York, USA  / curator: Olga Kopenkina  +newspaper

inSpiracje (festival), Szczecin, Poland  +catalog

The Radius оf Zero. The Ontology оf Art-Zero, Horizon plant, Minsk, Belarus  / curators: Olga Shparaga, Ruslan Vashkevich, Oksana Zhgirovskaya  +catalog

Young Belarusian Art (festival), the main program of the Festival of Private Collections, flat Mr. Simon Mraz, Moscow, Russia  +catalog

Banners and Diaries, parallel program of the festival Artisterium’5, Literary Museum, Tbilisi, Georgia  +catalog

The Palace Complex, Gomel Palace and Park Ensemble, Gomel, Belarus  / curator: Mihail Gulin

-O-L-O-G-Y, Amstel 41, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Hole Mole, Aula Gallery, Poznan, Poland  / curators: Anna Chistoserdova, Valentina Kiseleva, Sergey Shabohin

A Complicated Relation, Kalmar Konstmuseum, Kalmar, Sweden  / curator: Martin Schibli

Im Osten Viel Neues (J // K // M // W), Gallery of the Polish Institute, Dusseldorf, Germany  / curator: Marcin Golebiewski

Opening the Door? Belarusian Art Today, Zacheta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, Poland  / curator: Kestutis Kuizinas  +newspaper

The Journey to the East, Arsenal Gallery, Bialystok, Poland  / curator: Monika Szewczyk  +catalog

The Journey to the East, Polish Institute, Kiev, Ukraine  / curator: Monika Szewczyk  +catalog

The Journey to the East, Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCAK), Krakow, Poland  / curator: Monika Szewczyk  +catalog

Free Fall (festival), main program of the festival Artisterium’4, Tbilisi History Museum, Tbilisi, Georgia  / curator: Magda Guruli  +catalog

Revolution Art: Justs So Stories, Europe House Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia  +catalog

She Cannot Say Heaven (Ў Gallery booth), Artvilnius’11 (art fair), Lithuanian Art Gallerist Association, Vilnius, Lithuania  +catalog

She Cannot Say Heaven, Ў Gallery, Minsk, Belarus

Visual Arts. New Practices, Ў Gallery, Minsk, Belarus  / curator: Martin Schibli

Art Boom (festival), Krakow, Poland  +catalog

Opening the Door? Belarusian Art Today, Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius, Lithuania  / curator: Kestutis Kuizinas  +catalog

Vis-a-Vis. Actual Dialoges, Ў Gallery, Minsk, Belarus  / curator: Valentina Kiseliova  +catalog

Litera. Visual Study of Poerty, Goethe-Institut, Minsk, Belarus  / curator: Irina Gerasimovich

Oil Painting, Ў Gallery, Minsk, Belarus  / curator: Alexey Lunev

The Belarusian Hall 53 Venice Biennale, Belexpo, Minsk, Belarus  / winner of the pavilion  +catalog

The Crowd Philosophy. Belarusian Neo-Pop Art, Ў Gallery, Minsk, Belarus / curator: Sergey Shabohin  +catalog

Red Corner (Ў Gallery booth), Artvilnius’09 (art fair), Lithuanian Art Gallerist Association, Vilnius, Lithuania  +catalog

Reflexionen, Raskolnikow Gallery, Dresden, Germany  / curator: Irina Gerasimovich

Ctrl+Art, Palace of Arts, Minsk, Belarus

Begehungen (festival), Hemnitz, Germany  +catalog

T.K. & A.S. vol.1, Underground Gallery, Minsk, Belarus  / curator: Zoya Lucevich

T.K. & A.S. vol.2, ZOYA Gallery, Warsaw, Poland  / curator: Zoya Lucevich

Wheel, Beauty School, Minsk, Belarus

Photographic, Victory Theater, Minsk, Belarus

New Time, Palace of Arts, Minsk, Belarus

2 International Book Exhibition (festival), Belexpo, Minsk, Belarus

School’07, Gallery of the Academy of Arts, Minsk, Belarus

Reha Art, Gallery of the University of Culture, Minsk, Belarus  +catalog

Curatorial projects

Volha Maslouskaya: Poscards from Homeland, Gray Mandorla Studio, Poznan, Poland  / curator: Sergey Shabohin
Andrei Dureika: + +Gray Mandorla Studio, Poznan, Poland / curator: Sergey Shabohin
Kirill Masheka, Kalektar Residence, Berlin, Germany and Poznan, Poland  / curator: Sergey Shabohin
Kirill Diomchev, Kalektar Residence (in frame PerspAKTIV), Poznan, Poland  / curator: Sergey Shabohin
Antonina Slobodchikova, Kalektar Residence, Poznan, Poland  / curator: Sergey Shabohin
Tasha Katsuba, Kalektar Residence, Poznan, Poland  / curator: Sergey Shabohin
Coalition, Domie, Poznan, Poland / curators: Martyna Miller, Sergey Shabohin, Katarzyna Wojtczak, Rafał Żarski
Alexei LunevKalektar Residence, Poznan, Poland  / curator: Sergey Shabohin
Volha ArchipavaKalektar Residence, Poznan, Poland  / curator: Sergey Shabohin
Every Day. Art. Solidarity. Resistance, Mystetskyi Arsenal, Kyiv, Ukraine  / curators: Aleksei Borisionok, Andrei Dureika, Marina Naprushkina, Sergey Shabohin, Antonina Stebur, Maxim Tyminko
Gray Mandorla Manifest, Gray Mandorla Studio, Poznan, Poland  / curator: Sergey Shabohin
Marek Wodzisławski: POV, Ujazdowski Castl Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw, Poland  / curator: Sergey Shabohin
B.A.R. (Belarus. Art. Revolution), Kulturfabrik Moabit, Berlin, Germany  / curator: Sergey Shabohin

Fear, Galeria Arsenal, Bialystok, Poland  / curators: Nikita Kadan, Sergey Shabohin, Monika Szewczyk, Eliza Urwanowicz-Rojecka, Natalia Vatsadze

Life Goes On, personal exhibition of Agata Awruk, Ludwik Zamenhof Centre, Bialystok, Poland  / curator: Sergey Shabohin

Rе-View, personal exhibition of Lucjusz Sawicki, Matter of Time space, Bialystok, Poland  / curators: Sergey Shabohin, Pavel Preobrazhensky
The Wind Tangled Her White Hair. Belarus Story, personal exhibition of Agata Awruk, 81º Gallery, Warsaw, Poland  / curators: Sergey Shabohin, Magdalena Pietruk

ZBOR. Constructing an Archive, Arsenal Gallery, Bialystok, Poland  / curators: Sergey Shabohin, Sergey Kiryuschenko

Diploma, Ў Gallery, Minsk, Belarus  / curators: Aleksej Borisenok, Anton Barysenka, Tania Setsko, Sergey Shabohin

Social Grid, Ў Gallery, Minsk, Belarus  / curators: Ilona Dergach, Sergey Shabohin

Hole Mole #2, Warsztaty Kultury, Lublin, Poland  / curators: Anna ChistoserdovaValentina Kiselyova, Sergey Shabohin

Metabolism of Painting Space, personal exhibition of Sergey Kiriuschenko, Palace of Arts, Minsk, Belarus  / curator: Sergey Shabohin  +pdf-catalog

Sergey Kiriuschenko: Works 1970 – 2012, retrospectiv exhibition of Sergey Kiriuschenko, Ў Gallery, Minsk, Belarus  / curator: Sergey Shabohin  +pdf-catalog

High Time to Get Down to Down to Earth Art, personal exhibition of Sergey Kiriuschenko, Palace of Arts, Minsk, Belarus  / curator: Sergey Shabohin  +pdf-catalog

Inciting Force, personal exhibition of Zhanna Gladko, Ў Gallery, Minsk, Belarus / curator: Sergey Shabohin

Banners and Diaries, parallel program of the festival Artisterium’5, Literary Museum, Tbilisi, Georgia  / curators: Sergey Shabohin, Monika Szewczyk  +catalog

The Immediate, personal exhibition of Roman Aksenov, Competition for young artists Smart Art, Ў Gallery, Minsk, Belarus  / curator: Sergey Shabohin

Hole Mole, Aula Gallery, Poznan, Poland  / curators: Anna Chistoserdova, Valentina Kiselyova, Sergey Shabohin

Balance. Given the Circumstances, Ў Gallery, Minsk, Belarus  / curators: Anna Chistoserdova, Valentina Kiselyova, Sergey Shabohin, Natalia Zemchenok

She Cannot Say Heaven, Artvilnius’11 festival, Vilnius, Lithuania  / curators: Valentina Kiselyova, Sergey Shabohin, Alexey Lunev  +catalog

Smart Art Competition for Young Artists, Ў Gallery, Minsk, Belarus  / curator: Sergey Shabohin

Ambivalent, personal exhibition of Zhanna Gladko, in the program stART, Ў Gallery, Minsk, Belarus  / curator: Sergey Shabohin

Chrysalis, personal exhibition of Nadzezhda Makeeva, in the program stART, Ў Gallery, Minsk, Belarus  / curator: Sergey Shabohin

The Crowd Philosophy. Belarusian Neo-Pop Art, Ў Gallery, Minsk, Belarus  / curator: Sergey Shabohin  +catalog

Project #1, Yozm-Yozm, in the program stART, Ў Gallery, Minsk, Belarus  / curator: Sergey Shabohin



Catalog of the group exhibition White-Red-White. Contemporary Belarusian Art; CSW Toruń, Poland

Booklet of the project PUST*; Berthold Centre, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Catalog of the solo exhibition Practice of Subordination; Galeria Arsenal, Bialystok, Poland   / ISBN 978-83-89778-39-0
Booklet of the project PUST*; Kubus space, ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany

Catalog of the art fair Artvilnius’16; Lithuanian art gallerist Association, Vilnius, Lithuania

Book of the group exhibition Feminist (Art) Criticism; ZEH space, Minsk, Belarus

Catalog of the solo exhibition Wozu Poesie?; Akademie der Künste, Halle 3, Berlin, Germany

CD about the young front Belarusian contemporary art Suchart; 34Mag.net and ArtAktivist.org, Minsk, Belarus

Catalog of the art fair Supermarket 2013; Stockholm, Sweden

Catalog Europe n, info about of the group exhibition West of East; Germany
Catalog of the festival inSpiracje; Szczecin, Poland

Belarus / catalog of the group exhibition Young Belarusian Art; Moscow, Russia

Catalog of the festival Artisterium’5, info about exhibition Banners and Diaries; Tbilisi, Georgia

Newspaper of the group exhibition Sound Of Silence: Art Against Dictatorship; EFA Project Space, New York, USA

Book of the exhibition The Radius оf Zero. The Ontology оf Art-Zero; Minsk, Belarus

Catalog of the festival Artisterium’4, info about the group exhibition Free Fall; Tbilisi, Georgia

Catalog of the group exhibition The Journey to the East; Arsenal Gallery, Bialystok, Poland
Catalog of the group exhibition Revolution Art: Justs So Stories; Europe House Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia

Newspaper of the group exhibition Opening the Door? Belarusian Art Today; Zacheta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, Poland

Catalog of the art fair Artvilnius’11; Lithuanian art gallerist Association, Vilnius, Lithuania

Catalog of the festival Art Boom; Krakow, Poland

Book of the group exhibition Opening the Door? Belarusian Art Today; Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius, Lithuania

Catalog of the group exhibition Vis-a-Vis. Actual Dialoges; Ў Gallery, Minsk, Belarus
Pdf-catalog of the group exhibition The Crowd Philosophy. Belarusian Neo-Pop Art; Ў Gallery, Minsk, Belarus

Catalog of the group exhibition The Belarusian Hall 53 Venice Biennale; Minsk, Belarus

Catalog of the art fair Artvilnius’09; Vilnius, Lithuania; Lithuanian art gallerist Association, Vilnius, Lithuania

Catalog of the festival Begehungen; Hemnitz, Germany

Articles list


Articles by Sergey Shabohin

Memory Turning; Sergey Shabohin and Nikita Kadan (dialog), Prostory (online), Ukraine

Glossary; Practices of Subordination (catalog), Galeria Arsenal, Bialystok, Polands

Why Would an Artist Need a Diploma Academy?; FAC (online), Minsk, Belarus
How Not to Cooperate with Art Institutions in Belarus?; FAC (online), Minsk, Belarus

We See Our Graduates by Curators and Art Manager; Art Aktivist (online), Belarus

Interview with Katherine Botanova; Art Aktivist (online), Belarus

Authority and Contemporary Art: Belarusian version; Vadim DobrovolskySergey Shabohin (text fragments), Moscow Magazine (magazine), issue 89, Moscow, Russia

Regeneration in Partisan Terms; Moscow Magazine (magazine), issue 83, Moscow, Russia 

Five; KG (newspaper), issue 2,4 and 6, Minsk, Belarus

Portfolio: Geometric Paradise by Sergei Kiryushchenko; for three exhibitionArt Aktivist (online), Belarus

Banners and Diaries; for the exhibition Banners and Diaries (catalog), Tbilisi, Georgia
Belart; for the exhibition Young Belarusian Art (catalog), Moscow, Russia

Will the NCCA in Minsk? Interview with Georgy Zaborsky; Art Aktivist (online), Belarus

Eastern Europe as a Transvestite; Art Aktivist (online), Belarus

Screen for Ambivalent Objects; text for the exhibition Inciting Force by Zhanna Gladko, Ў Gallery, Minsk, Belarus

Roman Aksenov: Art for Me – it’s Communication; Art Aktivist (online), Belarus 

Participation in the Survey Walls and a Stage for Contemporary Art; Art (magazine), issue 2, Minsk, Belarus

Belarus-2011: Art Activation; Art Aktivist (online), Belarus

Interview with the Russian Art Group Voina; Art Aktivist (online), Belarus
Belarus-2011: Art Activation; New Europe (online), Belarus

Poll: Journey to the East; Art Aktivist (online), Belarus 

Participation in the Survey 2010: Events and Trends; Art (magazine), issue 12, Minsk, Belarus

Invasion of Outsiders; pARTisan (magazine), Minsk, Belarus

Art and Time; kyky.org (online), Belarus

Participation in the Survey Curator of the Exhibition: from the Idea to Nail; Art (magazine), issue 8, Minsk, Belarus  

The Crowd Philosophy; for exhibition The Crowd Philosophy. Belarusian Neo-Pop Art (catalog), Minsk, Belarus

Selected articles about Sergey Shabohin

+ interviews
Memory Turning; Sergey Shabohin and Nikita Kadan (dialog), Prostory (online), Ukraine

Historical Memory Attraction; Alexandra Dynko, svaboda.org (online), Belarus
Ten Thousand Assistants. Names Open a Unique Art Exhibition About Belarusians; Names (online), Belarus
About the Life of the Heroes of the Magazine «Names» Made an Interactive Exhibition; citydog.by (online), Belarus
Sergey Shabohin: Archive-Museum-Laboratory; Lena Prents, Practices of Subordination (catalog), Galeria Arsenał, Bialystok, Poland

Sergey Shabohin: Practices of Subordination; (video) Galeria Arsenał, Bialystok, Poland

Sergey Shabohin: Practices of Subordination; Lena Prents (explication), Galeria Arsenał, Bialystok, Poland

Top 9 of Young Contemporary Artists in Belarus; Buro 24/7 (online), Ukraine

KALEKTAR Platform: Waiting for a Domino Effect; Olga Bubich, pARTisan (online), Belarus

ST()RE; (video) Galeria Arsenal, Bialystok, Poland

#Sex #Gender #Art: My Right for Porno; pARTisan (online), Belarus

Four Corners; 100tv (TV), Saint Petersburg, Russia

Four Corners and Belarusian Pofigizm; Lizaveta Matveeva, aroundart.ru (online), Russia

Artishok; Belarus24 (TV), Minsk, Belarus

Sergey Shabohin; Elena Krushevskaja, AMPby (online), Minsk, Belarus

Art Residency – The East of Culture; Arsenal Gallery (video), Bialystok, Poland

Sergey Shabohin; Belarus (catalog), Moscow, Russia

Roving Eye the Art Activist. Interview with Sergey Shabohin; Maxim Karbanovich, mapstep.by (online), Minsk, Belarus

The Art Activist Sergey Shabohin: The Idea to Organize an Exhibition Does Not Terrify Any More; euroeastculture.eu (online), Kyiv, Ukraine

Where are the Young Belarusian Artists Can Express Yourself?; tut.by (online), Belarus

Sergey Shabohin: Installation STORE; gogomel.net (online), Gomel, Belarus

Sergey Shabohin: Today Belarussian Artists is Not Partisan and Take an Active Role; Tatiana Artimovich, New Europe (online), Belarus

Meeting With the Artist: Sergey Shabohin; (video), On the Way to the Contemporary Museum-2011, Belarus

Sergey Shabohin: Today Belarussian Artists is Not Partisan and Take an Active Role; Tatiana Artimovich, Nova (online), Krakow, Poland

I am Interested to Watch the Audience, Who Was Watching Me; Tatiana Artimovich, pARTisan (magazine), issue 13, 46–53 page, Minsk, Belarus

Artist Sergey Shabohin: Smart Art Competition; Belapan (online), Belarus

Mitoraj vs. Shabohin; Piotr Zdybal, Contemporarybelarus (online), Poland

Interview with Artist Sergey Shabohin; Roman Romanovich, kyky.org (online), Belarus

An Artist Must Be Sincere; Kira Tatianina, New Europe (online and pdf), Belarus

Mentions in the articles

23 Box of Art; colta.ru (online), Russia

Die Grenze; 3sat.de (TV), Germany

Nominal Art; 34mag.net (online), Belarus

TOP 10: Art in Central and Eastern Europe 2016; Taciana Arcimovich, Szum (magazine and online), Poland

The Border Without Borders; Valery Ledenev, aroundart.org (online), Russia 
An Auction for the Victims of the War in Syria will take place in Podlasie; K MAG (online), Poland
What Borders Remained on the Post-Soviet Space; Elina Ibragimova, Deutsche Welle (online), Germany

I Still Can Not Calm Down! What Was Remembered by People at the Exhibition Names; Names (online), Belarus

Photo-Report: Border Through the Eyes of Artists; Elina Ibragimova, Deutsche Welle (online), Germany

On the Most Important — Why the Names of the Magazine This Unusual Exhibition; svaboda.org (online), Belarus
Dinner is Served! — Who Was Invited to the «Table» at the 57th Venice Biennale; Anna Karpenko, n-europe.eu (online), Belarus

Participants of the Border Project in the Zurab Tsereteli Art Gallery; Kultura (TV), Russia

Exhibition of the Magazine Names in Minsk; ONT (TV), Belarus

Artists for Syria. CallAction — Charity Art Auction; wyborcza.pl (online and newspaper), Poland

How “Names” Help People and Change Fates; Elena Spasiuk, naviny.by (online), Belarus

Greetings from … Lublin. Postcard Artistically Involved; Anna Pajęcka, Reflector (online), Poland

Top Art Events. pARTisan Version; pARTisan (online), Belarus

I Hope That This is Only the Beginning of the Process of Consolidation; Alexey Borisionok, pARTisan (online), Belarus

Hopefully, This Process Will Impact on the Development of the Art Market in Belarus; Anna Chistoserdova, pARTisan (online), Belarus

All that Solid Dissolves in the Air; Alexey Borisionok, New Europe (online), Belarus

Feminist (Art) Criticism: From Theory to Practice and Back; Lyudmila Bredikhina, Colta (online), Russia

“Grid” and “Grating”. Discursive Practices of Online Communities; Alexandr Sarna, New Europe (online), Belarus

Generation Y: Need to Risk; pARTisan (online), Belarus

Public Spaces Boom; Olga Shparaga, pARTisan (online), Belarus

After 20 years: about continuity in photo; Olga Bubich, pARTisan (online), Belarus

The Theme of Emptiness in the Belarusian Art — After the Show; Vera Zalutskaja, New Europe (online), Belarus

Conversion of Contemporary Art; Taras Tarnalitsky, belmarket.by (online), Belarus

Cool’ok Events 2015; Andrei Liankevich, pARTisan (online), Belarus

Roosters and Hens in Minsk on the Wall of Shame in the gallery Ў; Evgeny Kazartsev, Sputnik (online), Belarus

Cool’ok Events 2015; Oksana Haiko, pARTisan (online), Belarus

Cool’ok Events 2015; Oxana Zhgirovskaja, pARTisan (online), Belarus

Four Corners and Belarusian Pofigizm; Lizaveta Matveeva, aroundart.ru (online), Russia

Procrustean Bed of Belarusian art?; Taciana Arcimovich, pARTisan (online), Belarus

Subversive Practices of Contemporary Art in Belarus; Vadim Dobrovolsky, pARTisan (online), Belarus

Replika: Belarussian Art-Generation Z; Taciana Arcimovich, pARTisan (online), Belarus

Marina Naprushkina: For Me, Art Can Not Be Out of Politics; Olga Martynenko, Gender Route (online), Belarus

XXY. Sexual Evolution; news.rate.by (online), Belarus

Four Corners; 100tv (tv), Saint Petersburg, Russia

Partyzanci i Nomadzy; Olga Shparaga, Chas Kultury (magazine), issue 3, 40-47 pages, Poznan, Poland

Interview with Małgorzatą and Marcin Gołębiewski; Adam Mazur, Szum (magazine and online), Poland

From Isolation to Publicity?; Taciana Arcimovich, Belarus (catalog), Moskow, Russia

Belarus: a Punch in the Face; Eduard Steiner, Belarus (catalog), Moskow, Russia

Katerina Botanova: «People Who Work With Contemporary Art Are Big Snobs»; Olga Shparaga, New Europe (online), Belarus

Belarus; Valentina Kiseliova and Anna Chistoserdova, Belarus (catalog), Moskow, Russia

Authority and Contemporary Art: Belarusian version; Vadim Dobrovolsky, Moscow Magazine (magazine), issue 89, Moscow, Russia

Cool’ok of Events 2013; Lena Prenz, Olga Shparaga, pARTisan (online), Belarus 

Art for Art; Alesia Beljavec, Art (magazine), issue 12, Minsk, Belarus

Artystyczna Dyversja — Strategie Subwersywne w Białoruskiej Sztuce Wspołczesnej; Chas Kultury (magazine), issue 3, 48-53 pages, Poznan, Poland

The Political Like Personal: Belarusian Contemporary Art 10 Years Later; Olga Shparaga, pARTisan (magazine), issue 20, 22-27 pages, Minsk, Belarus

Unnecessary Art; Olga Rybczynskaja, pARTisan (online), Belarus

Belarus Beats Directly in the Eye; Eduard Steiner, Belarus (catalog), catalog of the exhibition Young Belarusian Art, Moscow, Russia

From Isolation to Publicity?; Taciana Arcimovich, Belarus (catalog), catalog of the exhibition Young Belarusian Art, Moscow, Russia

Art of the Two Countries; Katerina Botanova and Olga Shparaga, korydor (online), Ukraine

Belarusian Art 2012 Partisan Nomads; Lena Prents and Olga Rybczynskaja, exhibition Journey to the East (catalog), Poland

Sounds of Silence: the New Art of Strategy and Tactics of Belarusian Artists; Olga Shparaga, Moscow Magazine (magazine), issue 84, Moscow, Russia

About Europe in Six Chapters; Taciana Arcimovich, New Europe (online), Belarus

Division by Zero; Vadim Dobrovolsky, Art Aktivist (online), Belarus

A. Dureiko About the Outcome of the 2000s for the Belarusian Art; Andrei Dureiko (video interview), New Europe (online), Belarus

Krzysztof Stanislawski: We are United by a Gene Rzeczpospolita; Ilona Dergach and Pavel Preobrazhensky, Art Aktivist (online), Belarus

K. Stanislavsky: Art and Culture Can Help You to Survive; Tatiana Artimovich, New Europe (online), Belarus

Diplomat Turns Flat Into Belarussian Art Exhibit; Alex Labrom, The Moscow Times (newspaper and online), Moscow, Russia

Toposes and Myths in the Project of Mihail Gulin The Palace Complex; Tatiana Kondratenko, Art Aktivist (online), Belarus

Five; KG (newspaper), issue 4, Minsk, Belarus

Zero to Horizon; Victoria Gulevich, Art Aktivist (online), Belarus

The Palace Complex: the Dialogue as a Strategy of Action; Tatiana Artimovich, New Europe (online), Belarus

Home Among Strangers, Stranger Among Friends; Vadim Dobrovolsky, Kultura Enter (magazine and online), issue 42, Poland

Art for Attractions?; Tatiana Kondratenko, Art (magazine), issue 7, Minsk, Belarus

Resilient Rhythms Space; Larissa Mikhnevich, Art (magazine), issue 9, Minsk, Belarus

Decade of Contemporary Art; Pavel Voinitsky, Art (magazine), issue 6, Minsk, Belarus

Belarusian Art Underground or Country Without Galleries; Arthur Klinov, Kultura Enter (magazine and online), issue 39, Poland

How Near and How Far is Belarus and its Contemporary Art?; Aušra Trakšelytė, studija.lv (online), Lithuania

Features Belarusian Language of Contemporary Art; Yulia Fomina, exhibition Opening the door? Belarusian Art Today (catalog), Vilnus, Lithuania

To be Contemporary, Photo Should be Political?; Svetlana Poleschuk, Fotokvartals (online), Lithuania

There is Nothing?; Gulin Michail, Art Aktivist (online), Belarus

Place Where You Can Breathe. Valentina Kiseleva – Intervyu; Tatiana Artimovich, Kultura Enter (magazine and online), issue 39, Poland

Gallery Y in 2011: the Rate on Contemporary Belarusian Art; Tatiana Zharnosek, Art Aktivist (online), Belarus

Architect: Perhaps in the Soviet Building in Minsk Has the Potential; Sergey Saciuk, naviny.by (online), Belarus

Contemporary art and art criticism in Belarus (discussion); New Europe (online), Belarus

Contemporary Belarusian Art, from Second-Hand for Authenticity; Anastasia Meleshko, New Europe (online), Belarus

Generation NEXT: Continuity and Innovationl; Art (magazine), issue 7, Minsk, Belarus

Bang-Art in the Local; Anna Samarskaya, Art (magazine), issue 1, Minsk, Belarus

Neo-Pop Art in Belarusian?; Olga Shparaga, New Europe (online), Belarus

Actual Whether Unofficial Art in Belarus?; Photoscope (online), Belarus

Belarusian Artists Need a Center of Contemporary Art; Irina Dubovec, naviny.by (online), Belarus

Gallery Y is White List for National Art; Daria Goroshko, New Europe (online), Belarus

The Winner of the Belarusian Hall 53 Venice Biennale Recognized Artist Sergey Shabohin; Tut.by (online), Belarus

Cult-Tour. Mas (s) ki. Show; Maxim Zhbankov, naviny.by (online), Belarus


Images in publications

Photography, images of work, projects for magazines, catalogues and other

23 Box of Art; colta.ru (online), Russia

Historical Memory Attraction; Alexandra Dynko, svaboda.org (online), Belarus

Nominal Art; 34mag.net (online), Belarus

Questions of Borders and Differences Are Relevant for All; Alexandra Polyakova, germania-online (online), Russia

The Border Without Borders; Valery Ledenev, aroundart.org (online), Russia 
An Auction for the Victims of the War in Syria will take place in Podlasie; K MAG (online), Poland
Die Grenze; 3sat.de (TV), Germany

I Still Can Not Calm Down! What Was Remembered by People at the exhibition Names; Names (online), Belarus

Photo-Report: Border Through the Eyes of Artists; Elina Ibragimova, Deutsche Welle (online), Germany

Thibault de Roiter: “I Quickly Called a Familiar Artist and Offered to Make Karaoke at the Show“; Anastasia Petrakova, The Art Newspaper, Russia
How “Names” Help People and Change Fates; Elena Spasiuk, naviny.by (online), Belarus

In Enabling Observer Position; Almira Usmanova, pARTisan (online), Belarus

Practice of Subordination; (catalog) Galeria Arsenal power station, Bialystok, Poland

PUST*; (booklet) ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany

Belarusian Art Abroad: September 2016; Andrei Dureiko, pARTisan (online), Belarus

Belarusian Art Abroad: October 2016; Andrei Dureiko, pARTisan (online), Belarus
Belarusian Art Abroad: July 2016; Andrei Dureiko, pARTisan (online), Belarus

Top 9 of Young Contemporary Artists in Belarus; Buro 24/7 (online), Ukraine

“Grid” and “Grating”. Discursive Practices of Online Communities; Alexandr Sarna, New Europe (online), Belarus

Feminist (Art) Criticism; (catalog) Minsk, Belarus

Opening of the Exhibition «ZBOR. Constructing the Archive»; pARTisan (online), Belarus

Belarusian Art Abroad: October 2015; Andrei Dureiko, pARTisan (online), Belarus

Roosters and Hens in Minsk on the Wall of Shame in the gallery «Ў»; Evgeny Kazartsev, Sputnik (online), Belarus

Belarusian Art Abroad: September 2015; Andrei Dureiko, pARTisan (online), Belarus

Procrustean Bed of Belarusian art?; Taciana Arcimovich, pARTisan (online), Belarus

Four Corners and Belarusian Pofigizm; Lizaveta Matveeva, aroundart.ru (online), Russia

#Sex #Gender #Art: My Right for Porno, pARTisan (online), Belarus

XXY. Sexual Evolution, news.rate.by (online), Belarus

XXY, 34mag.net (online), Belarus

Replika: Belarussian Art-Generation Z; Taciana Arcimovich, pARTisan (online), Belarus

Events; art1.ru (online), Saint Petersburg, Russia

Belarusian Art Abroad: November 2014; Andrei Dureiko, pARTisan (online), Belarus

Belarusian Art Abroad: December 2015; Andrei Dureiko, pARTisan (online), Belarus

Magazine Cover; Mastactva (magazine), issue 12, Minsk, Belarus

Wozu Poesie?; (catalog) Berlin, Germany

Authority and Contemporary Art: Belarusian Version; Vadim Dobrovolsky, Moscow Magazine (magazine), issue 89, Moscow, Russia

Czas Kultury (magazine), issue 3, Poznan, Poland

Interview with Małgorzatą and Marcin Gołębiewski; Adam Mazur, Szum (magazine and online), Poland

Katerina Botanova: «People Who Work With Contemporary Art Are Big Snobs»; Olga Shparaga, New Europe (online), Belarus

Y Gallery on Art Moscow; pARTisan (online), Belarus

(Un)necessary Art; Olga Rybczynskaja, pARTisan (online), Belarus

Magazine Cover; pARTisan (magazine), issue 20, Minsk, Belarus

Sergey Shabohin; Elena Krushevskaja, AMPby (online), Minsk, Belarus

Young Belarusian Art; (catalog) 99-100 pages, Moscow, Russia

20 pARTisan; pARTisan (magazine), issue 20, 17 and 70-71 pages, Minsk, Belarus

Discussion About Theater Education: Academy in Ruins; pARTisan (online), Minsk, Belarus 

Art for Art; Alesia Beljavec, Art (magazine), issue 12, Minsk, Belarus

Suchart; disk about the young front Belarusian contemporary art (CD), 34Mag.net and Art Aktivist.org, Minsk, Belarus

The Political Like Personal: Belarusian Contemporary Art 10 Years Later; Olga Shparaga, pARTisan (magazine), issue 20, 22-27 pages, Minsk, Belarus

About Contemporary «Partisan»; Valentin Akudovich, pARTisan (online), Belarus

Belarus Beats Directly in the Eye; Eduard Steiner, Belarus (catalog), catalog of the exhibition Young Belarusian Art, Moscow, Russia

Society in Belarus: Borders, Trust, Solidarity; pARTisan (online), Belarus

Released Jubilee 20th «pARTisan»: We Are 10 Years!; pARTisan (online), Belarus

Partisan Nomads; Lena Prents and Olga Rybczynskaja, Korydor (online), Ukraine

Europe n; (catalog) GermanyThe Radius оf Zero. The Ontology оf Art-Zero; (catalog) Minsk, Belarus

Banners and Diaries; (catalog) Tbilisi, Georgia

Roving Eye the Art Activist. Interview with Sergey Shabohin; Maxim Karbanovich, mapstep.by (online), Minsk, Belarus
Sound Of Silence: Art Against Dictatorship; (newspaper-catalog) EFA Project Space, New York, USA

Five; KG (newspaper), issue 4, Minsk, Belarus

Walls and a Stage for Contemporary Art; Art (magazine), issue 2, Minsk, Belarus

Art for attractions?; Tatiana Kondratenko, Art (magazine), issue 7, Minsk, Belarus

Partisan Nomads; Lena Prents and Olga Rybczynskaja, exhibition Journey to the East (catalog), Poland

West of East; (catalog) Y Gallery, Minsk, Belarus

Festival inSpiracje; (catalog) Szczecin, Poland

Sergey Shabohin: Installation ST()RE; gogomel.net (online), Gomel, Belarus

I am Interested to Watch the Audience Who Was Watching Me; Taciana Arcimovic, pARTisan (magazine), issue 13, 46–53 page, Minsk, Belarus

Free Fall; (catalog) Tbilisi, Georgia

To be Contemporary, Photo Should be Political?; Poleschuk Svetlana, Fotokvartals (online), Lithuania

Revolution Art: Justs So Stories; (catalog) Tbilisi, Georgia

The Journey to the East; (catalog) Arsenal Gallery, Bialystok, Poland

Sergey Shabohin: Today Belarussian Artists is Not Partisan and Take an Active Role; Tatiana Artimovich, New Europe (online), Belarus

Opening the Door? Belarusian Art Today, (newspaper-catalog) Zacheta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, Poland

Sergey Shabohin: Art Commercialism Cycle; Sgustok (online and pdf), issue 2, Belarus

St()re; festival Art Boom (catalog), Krakow, Poland

Opening the Door? Belarusian Art Today; (catalog) Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius, Lithuania

Mitoraj vs. Shabohin; Piotr Zdybal, Contemporarybelarus (online), Poland

Contemporary Belarusian Art, from Second-Hand for Authenticity; Anastasia Meleshko, New Europe (online), Belarus

Generation NEXT: Continuity and Innovation; Art (magazine), issue 7, Minsk, Belarus

Vis-a-Vis. Actual Dialoges; (catalog) Y Gallery, Minsk, Belarus
Interview with Artist Sergey Shabohin; Roman Romanovich, kyky.org (online), Belarus

Neo-Pop Art in Belarusian?; Olga Shparaga, New Europe (online), Belarus

The Crowd Philosophy. Belarusian Neo-Pop Art; (pdf-catalog) Minsk, Belarus

An Artist Must Be Sincere; Kira Tatianina, New Europe (online and pdf), Belarus

The Winner of the Belarusian Hall 53 Venice Biennale Recognized Artist Sergey Shabohin; Tut.by (online), Belarus

The Belarusian Hall 53 Venice Biennale; (catalog) Minsk, Belarus
Actual Whether Unofficial Art in Belarus?; Photoscope (online), Belarus


Selected articles

Articles in English:
Lena Prents: Sergey Shabohin: Archive-Museum-Laboratory; text for the catalog for the personal exhibition, Poland, 2016

#Sex #Gender #Art: «My Right for Porno»; pARTisan magazine, Belarus, 2014

Olga Shparaga: Sound of Silence: New Art Strategies and Tactics of Belarusian Artists; Moscow Art Magazine, Russia, 2012

Sergey ShabohinRegeneration in Partisan Conditions; Moscow Art Magazine, Russia, 2011

Articles in Russian:
Сергей Шабохин: Тотальный риск, свобода, дисциплина! 100 летию авангардного объединения УНОВИС; является частью эссе “Национализация свободы”, подготовленного специально для “Художественного журнала” №112, Россия, 2020

Катерина Яковленко: Сергей Шабохин: искусство помогает анализировать прошлое и формировать будущее; интервью для Your Art, Украина, 2020

Валерий Леденёв и Сергей Шабохин: интервью в письмах; разговор для Colta, Россия, 2020

Ольга ШпарагаИскусство не должно... но может изменять общество: об арт-проектах беларусског художника Сергея Шабохина; статья в книге “Сообщество-после-Холокоста: на пути к обществу инклюзии” Минск: Медисонт, 2018
Никита Кадан и Сергей Шабохин: Поворот к памяти; диалог для портала Prostory, Украина, 2017

Лена Пренц: Сергей Шабохин: архив-музей-лаборатория; текст к каталогу персональной выставки, Польша, 2016

Вадим Добровольский: Авторитарная власть и современное искусство: белорусский вариант; Художественный журнал, Россия, 2013

Ольга Шпарага: Звуки молчания: белорусские художники в поисках новых арт-стратегий и тактик; Художественный журнал, Россия, 2012

Сергей Шабохин: Регенерация в партизанских условиях; Художественный журнал, Россия, 2011

Articles in Polish:
Barbara Kowalewska: Postsowieckie wstrząsyKultura u Podstaw, Poznan, Poland, 2023

Vera Zalutskaya: Sergey Shabohin. Aktywizm rozsadzający szczeliny; SZUM, Poland, 2021

Piotr Zdybał: Mitoraj vs. ShabohinContemporary Belarus, 2010
