
Articles list


Articles by Sergey Shabohin

Memory Turning; Sergey Shabohin and Nikita Kadan (dialog), Prostory (online), Ukraine

Glossary; Practices of Subordination (catalog), Galeria Arsenal, Bialystok, Polands

Why Would an Artist Need a Diploma Academy?; FAC (online), Minsk, Belarus
How Not to Cooperate with Art Institutions in Belarus?; FAC (online), Minsk, Belarus

We See Our Graduates by Curators and Art Manager; Art Aktivist (online), Belarus

Interview with Katherine Botanova; Art Aktivist (online), Belarus

Authority and Contemporary Art: Belarusian version; Vadim DobrovolskySergey Shabohin (text fragments), Moscow Magazine (magazine), issue 89, Moscow, Russia

Regeneration in Partisan Terms; Moscow Magazine (magazine), issue 83, Moscow, Russia 

Five; KG (newspaper), issue 2,4 and 6, Minsk, Belarus

Portfolio: Geometric Paradise by Sergei Kiryushchenko; for three exhibitionArt Aktivist (online), Belarus

Banners and Diaries; for the exhibition Banners and Diaries (catalog), Tbilisi, Georgia
Belart; for the exhibition Young Belarusian Art (catalog), Moscow, Russia

Will the NCCA in Minsk? Interview with Georgy Zaborsky; Art Aktivist (online), Belarus

Eastern Europe as a Transvestite; Art Aktivist (online), Belarus

Screen for Ambivalent Objects; text for the exhibition Inciting Force by Zhanna Gladko, Ў Gallery, Minsk, Belarus

Roman Aksenov: Art for Me – it’s Communication; Art Aktivist (online), Belarus 

Participation in the Survey Walls and a Stage for Contemporary Art; Art (magazine), issue 2, Minsk, Belarus

Belarus-2011: Art Activation; Art Aktivist (online), Belarus

Interview with the Russian Art Group Voina; Art Aktivist (online), Belarus
Belarus-2011: Art Activation; New Europe (online), Belarus

Poll: Journey to the East; Art Aktivist (online), Belarus 

Participation in the Survey 2010: Events and Trends; Art (magazine), issue 12, Minsk, Belarus

Invasion of Outsiders; pARTisan (magazine), Minsk, Belarus

Art and Time; kyky.org (online), Belarus

Participation in the Survey Curator of the Exhibition: from the Idea to Nail; Art (magazine), issue 8, Minsk, Belarus  

The Crowd Philosophy; for exhibition The Crowd Philosophy. Belarusian Neo-Pop Art (catalog), Minsk, Belarus

Selected articles about Sergey Shabohin

+ interviews
Memory Turning; Sergey Shabohin and Nikita Kadan (dialog), Prostory (online), Ukraine

Historical Memory Attraction; Alexandra Dynko, svaboda.org (online), Belarus
Ten Thousand Assistants. Names Open a Unique Art Exhibition About Belarusians; Names (online), Belarus
About the Life of the Heroes of the Magazine «Names» Made an Interactive Exhibition; citydog.by (online), Belarus
Sergey Shabohin: Archive-Museum-Laboratory; Lena Prents, Practices of Subordination (catalog), Galeria Arsenał, Bialystok, Poland

Sergey Shabohin: Practices of Subordination; (video) Galeria Arsenał, Bialystok, Poland

Sergey Shabohin: Practices of Subordination; Lena Prents (explication), Galeria Arsenał, Bialystok, Poland

Top 9 of Young Contemporary Artists in Belarus; Buro 24/7 (online), Ukraine

KALEKTAR Platform: Waiting for a Domino Effect; Olga Bubich, pARTisan (online), Belarus

ST()RE; (video) Galeria Arsenal, Bialystok, Poland

#Sex #Gender #Art: My Right for Porno; pARTisan (online), Belarus

Four Corners; 100tv (TV), Saint Petersburg, Russia

Four Corners and Belarusian Pofigizm; Lizaveta Matveeva, aroundart.ru (online), Russia

Artishok; Belarus24 (TV), Minsk, Belarus

Sergey Shabohin; Elena Krushevskaja, AMPby (online), Minsk, Belarus

Art Residency – The East of Culture; Arsenal Gallery (video), Bialystok, Poland

Sergey Shabohin; Belarus (catalog), Moscow, Russia

Roving Eye the Art Activist. Interview with Sergey Shabohin; Maxim Karbanovich, mapstep.by (online), Minsk, Belarus

The Art Activist Sergey Shabohin: The Idea to Organize an Exhibition Does Not Terrify Any More; euroeastculture.eu (online), Kyiv, Ukraine

Where are the Young Belarusian Artists Can Express Yourself?; tut.by (online), Belarus

Sergey Shabohin: Installation STORE; gogomel.net (online), Gomel, Belarus

Sergey Shabohin: Today Belarussian Artists is Not Partisan and Take an Active Role; Tatiana Artimovich, New Europe (online), Belarus

Meeting With the Artist: Sergey Shabohin; (video), On the Way to the Contemporary Museum-2011, Belarus

Sergey Shabohin: Today Belarussian Artists is Not Partisan and Take an Active Role; Tatiana Artimovich, Nova (online), Krakow, Poland

I am Interested to Watch the Audience, Who Was Watching Me; Tatiana Artimovich, pARTisan (magazine), issue 13, 46–53 page, Minsk, Belarus

Artist Sergey Shabohin: Smart Art Competition; Belapan (online), Belarus

Mitoraj vs. Shabohin; Piotr Zdybal, Contemporarybelarus (online), Poland

Interview with Artist Sergey Shabohin; Roman Romanovich, kyky.org (online), Belarus

An Artist Must Be Sincere; Kira Tatianina, New Europe (online and pdf), Belarus

Mentions in the articles

23 Box of Art; colta.ru (online), Russia

Die Grenze; 3sat.de (TV), Germany

Nominal Art; 34mag.net (online), Belarus

TOP 10: Art in Central and Eastern Europe 2016; Taciana Arcimovich, Szum (magazine and online), Poland

The Border Without Borders; Valery Ledenev, aroundart.org (online), Russia 
An Auction for the Victims of the War in Syria will take place in Podlasie; K MAG (online), Poland
What Borders Remained on the Post-Soviet Space; Elina Ibragimova, Deutsche Welle (online), Germany

I Still Can Not Calm Down! What Was Remembered by People at the Exhibition Names; Names (online), Belarus

Photo-Report: Border Through the Eyes of Artists; Elina Ibragimova, Deutsche Welle (online), Germany

On the Most Important — Why the Names of the Magazine This Unusual Exhibition; svaboda.org (online), Belarus
Dinner is Served! — Who Was Invited to the «Table» at the 57th Venice Biennale; Anna Karpenko, n-europe.eu (online), Belarus

Participants of the Border Project in the Zurab Tsereteli Art Gallery; Kultura (TV), Russia

Exhibition of the Magazine Names in Minsk; ONT (TV), Belarus

Artists for Syria. CallAction — Charity Art Auction; wyborcza.pl (online and newspaper), Poland

How “Names” Help People and Change Fates; Elena Spasiuk, naviny.by (online), Belarus

Greetings from … Lublin. Postcard Artistically Involved; Anna Pajęcka, Reflector (online), Poland

Top Art Events. pARTisan Version; pARTisan (online), Belarus

I Hope That This is Only the Beginning of the Process of Consolidation; Alexey Borisionok, pARTisan (online), Belarus

Hopefully, This Process Will Impact on the Development of the Art Market in Belarus; Anna Chistoserdova, pARTisan (online), Belarus

All that Solid Dissolves in the Air; Alexey Borisionok, New Europe (online), Belarus

Feminist (Art) Criticism: From Theory to Practice and Back; Lyudmila Bredikhina, Colta (online), Russia

“Grid” and “Grating”. Discursive Practices of Online Communities; Alexandr Sarna, New Europe (online), Belarus

Generation Y: Need to Risk; pARTisan (online), Belarus

Public Spaces Boom; Olga Shparaga, pARTisan (online), Belarus

After 20 years: about continuity in photo; Olga Bubich, pARTisan (online), Belarus

The Theme of Emptiness in the Belarusian Art — After the Show; Vera Zalutskaja, New Europe (online), Belarus

Conversion of Contemporary Art; Taras Tarnalitsky, belmarket.by (online), Belarus

Cool’ok Events 2015; Andrei Liankevich, pARTisan (online), Belarus

Roosters and Hens in Minsk on the Wall of Shame in the gallery Ў; Evgeny Kazartsev, Sputnik (online), Belarus

Cool’ok Events 2015; Oksana Haiko, pARTisan (online), Belarus

Cool’ok Events 2015; Oxana Zhgirovskaja, pARTisan (online), Belarus

Four Corners and Belarusian Pofigizm; Lizaveta Matveeva, aroundart.ru (online), Russia

Procrustean Bed of Belarusian art?; Taciana Arcimovich, pARTisan (online), Belarus

Subversive Practices of Contemporary Art in Belarus; Vadim Dobrovolsky, pARTisan (online), Belarus

Replika: Belarussian Art-Generation Z; Taciana Arcimovich, pARTisan (online), Belarus

Marina Naprushkina: For Me, Art Can Not Be Out of Politics; Olga Martynenko, Gender Route (online), Belarus

XXY. Sexual Evolution; news.rate.by (online), Belarus

Four Corners; 100tv (tv), Saint Petersburg, Russia

Partyzanci i Nomadzy; Olga Shparaga, Chas Kultury (magazine), issue 3, 40-47 pages, Poznan, Poland

Interview with Małgorzatą and Marcin Gołębiewski; Adam Mazur, Szum (magazine and online), Poland

From Isolation to Publicity?; Taciana Arcimovich, Belarus (catalog), Moskow, Russia

Belarus: a Punch in the Face; Eduard Steiner, Belarus (catalog), Moskow, Russia

Katerina Botanova: «People Who Work With Contemporary Art Are Big Snobs»; Olga Shparaga, New Europe (online), Belarus

Belarus; Valentina Kiseliova and Anna Chistoserdova, Belarus (catalog), Moskow, Russia

Authority and Contemporary Art: Belarusian version; Vadim Dobrovolsky, Moscow Magazine (magazine), issue 89, Moscow, Russia

Cool’ok of Events 2013; Lena Prenz, Olga Shparaga, pARTisan (online), Belarus 

Art for Art; Alesia Beljavec, Art (magazine), issue 12, Minsk, Belarus

Artystyczna Dyversja — Strategie Subwersywne w Białoruskiej Sztuce Wspołczesnej; Chas Kultury (magazine), issue 3, 48-53 pages, Poznan, Poland

The Political Like Personal: Belarusian Contemporary Art 10 Years Later; Olga Shparaga, pARTisan (magazine), issue 20, 22-27 pages, Minsk, Belarus

Unnecessary Art; Olga Rybczynskaja, pARTisan (online), Belarus

Belarus Beats Directly in the Eye; Eduard Steiner, Belarus (catalog), catalog of the exhibition Young Belarusian Art, Moscow, Russia

From Isolation to Publicity?; Taciana Arcimovich, Belarus (catalog), catalog of the exhibition Young Belarusian Art, Moscow, Russia

Art of the Two Countries; Katerina Botanova and Olga Shparaga, korydor (online), Ukraine

Belarusian Art 2012 Partisan Nomads; Lena Prents and Olga Rybczynskaja, exhibition Journey to the East (catalog), Poland

Sounds of Silence: the New Art of Strategy and Tactics of Belarusian Artists; Olga Shparaga, Moscow Magazine (magazine), issue 84, Moscow, Russia

About Europe in Six Chapters; Taciana Arcimovich, New Europe (online), Belarus

Division by Zero; Vadim Dobrovolsky, Art Aktivist (online), Belarus

A. Dureiko About the Outcome of the 2000s for the Belarusian Art; Andrei Dureiko (video interview), New Europe (online), Belarus

Krzysztof Stanislawski: We are United by a Gene Rzeczpospolita; Ilona Dergach and Pavel Preobrazhensky, Art Aktivist (online), Belarus

K. Stanislavsky: Art and Culture Can Help You to Survive; Tatiana Artimovich, New Europe (online), Belarus

Diplomat Turns Flat Into Belarussian Art Exhibit; Alex Labrom, The Moscow Times (newspaper and online), Moscow, Russia

Toposes and Myths in the Project of Mihail Gulin The Palace Complex; Tatiana Kondratenko, Art Aktivist (online), Belarus

Five; KG (newspaper), issue 4, Minsk, Belarus

Zero to Horizon; Victoria Gulevich, Art Aktivist (online), Belarus

The Palace Complex: the Dialogue as a Strategy of Action; Tatiana Artimovich, New Europe (online), Belarus

Home Among Strangers, Stranger Among Friends; Vadim Dobrovolsky, Kultura Enter (magazine and online), issue 42, Poland

Art for Attractions?; Tatiana Kondratenko, Art (magazine), issue 7, Minsk, Belarus

Resilient Rhythms Space; Larissa Mikhnevich, Art (magazine), issue 9, Minsk, Belarus

Decade of Contemporary Art; Pavel Voinitsky, Art (magazine), issue 6, Minsk, Belarus

Belarusian Art Underground or Country Without Galleries; Arthur Klinov, Kultura Enter (magazine and online), issue 39, Poland

How Near and How Far is Belarus and its Contemporary Art?; Aušra Trakšelytė, studija.lv (online), Lithuania

Features Belarusian Language of Contemporary Art; Yulia Fomina, exhibition Opening the door? Belarusian Art Today (catalog), Vilnus, Lithuania

To be Contemporary, Photo Should be Political?; Svetlana Poleschuk, Fotokvartals (online), Lithuania

There is Nothing?; Gulin Michail, Art Aktivist (online), Belarus

Place Where You Can Breathe. Valentina Kiseleva – Intervyu; Tatiana Artimovich, Kultura Enter (magazine and online), issue 39, Poland

Gallery Y in 2011: the Rate on Contemporary Belarusian Art; Tatiana Zharnosek, Art Aktivist (online), Belarus

Architect: Perhaps in the Soviet Building in Minsk Has the Potential; Sergey Saciuk, naviny.by (online), Belarus

Contemporary art and art criticism in Belarus (discussion); New Europe (online), Belarus

Contemporary Belarusian Art, from Second-Hand for Authenticity; Anastasia Meleshko, New Europe (online), Belarus

Generation NEXT: Continuity and Innovationl; Art (magazine), issue 7, Minsk, Belarus

Bang-Art in the Local; Anna Samarskaya, Art (magazine), issue 1, Minsk, Belarus

Neo-Pop Art in Belarusian?; Olga Shparaga, New Europe (online), Belarus

Actual Whether Unofficial Art in Belarus?; Photoscope (online), Belarus

Belarusian Artists Need a Center of Contemporary Art; Irina Dubovec, naviny.by (online), Belarus

Gallery Y is White List for National Art; Daria Goroshko, New Europe (online), Belarus

The Winner of the Belarusian Hall 53 Venice Biennale Recognized Artist Sergey Shabohin; Tut.by (online), Belarus

Cult-Tour. Mas (s) ki. Show; Maxim Zhbankov, naviny.by (online), Belarus


Images in publications

Photography, images of work, projects for magazines, catalogues and other

23 Box of Art; colta.ru (online), Russia

Historical Memory Attraction; Alexandra Dynko, svaboda.org (online), Belarus

Nominal Art; 34mag.net (online), Belarus

Questions of Borders and Differences Are Relevant for All; Alexandra Polyakova, germania-online (online), Russia

The Border Without Borders; Valery Ledenev, aroundart.org (online), Russia 
An Auction for the Victims of the War in Syria will take place in Podlasie; K MAG (online), Poland
Die Grenze; 3sat.de (TV), Germany

I Still Can Not Calm Down! What Was Remembered by People at the exhibition Names; Names (online), Belarus

Photo-Report: Border Through the Eyes of Artists; Elina Ibragimova, Deutsche Welle (online), Germany

Thibault de Roiter: “I Quickly Called a Familiar Artist and Offered to Make Karaoke at the Show“; Anastasia Petrakova, The Art Newspaper, Russia
How “Names” Help People and Change Fates; Elena Spasiuk, naviny.by (online), Belarus

In Enabling Observer Position; Almira Usmanova, pARTisan (online), Belarus

Practice of Subordination; (catalog) Galeria Arsenal power station, Bialystok, Poland

PUST*; (booklet) ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany

Belarusian Art Abroad: September 2016; Andrei Dureiko, pARTisan (online), Belarus

Belarusian Art Abroad: October 2016; Andrei Dureiko, pARTisan (online), Belarus
Belarusian Art Abroad: July 2016; Andrei Dureiko, pARTisan (online), Belarus

Top 9 of Young Contemporary Artists in Belarus; Buro 24/7 (online), Ukraine

“Grid” and “Grating”. Discursive Practices of Online Communities; Alexandr Sarna, New Europe (online), Belarus

Feminist (Art) Criticism; (catalog) Minsk, Belarus

Opening of the Exhibition «ZBOR. Constructing the Archive»; pARTisan (online), Belarus

Belarusian Art Abroad: October 2015; Andrei Dureiko, pARTisan (online), Belarus

Roosters and Hens in Minsk on the Wall of Shame in the gallery «Ў»; Evgeny Kazartsev, Sputnik (online), Belarus

Belarusian Art Abroad: September 2015; Andrei Dureiko, pARTisan (online), Belarus

Procrustean Bed of Belarusian art?; Taciana Arcimovich, pARTisan (online), Belarus

Four Corners and Belarusian Pofigizm; Lizaveta Matveeva, aroundart.ru (online), Russia

#Sex #Gender #Art: My Right for Porno, pARTisan (online), Belarus

XXY. Sexual Evolution, news.rate.by (online), Belarus

XXY, 34mag.net (online), Belarus

Replika: Belarussian Art-Generation Z; Taciana Arcimovich, pARTisan (online), Belarus

Events; art1.ru (online), Saint Petersburg, Russia

Belarusian Art Abroad: November 2014; Andrei Dureiko, pARTisan (online), Belarus

Belarusian Art Abroad: December 2015; Andrei Dureiko, pARTisan (online), Belarus

Magazine Cover; Mastactva (magazine), issue 12, Minsk, Belarus

Wozu Poesie?; (catalog) Berlin, Germany

Authority and Contemporary Art: Belarusian Version; Vadim Dobrovolsky, Moscow Magazine (magazine), issue 89, Moscow, Russia

Czas Kultury (magazine), issue 3, Poznan, Poland

Interview with Małgorzatą and Marcin Gołębiewski; Adam Mazur, Szum (magazine and online), Poland

Katerina Botanova: «People Who Work With Contemporary Art Are Big Snobs»; Olga Shparaga, New Europe (online), Belarus

Y Gallery on Art Moscow; pARTisan (online), Belarus

(Un)necessary Art; Olga Rybczynskaja, pARTisan (online), Belarus

Magazine Cover; pARTisan (magazine), issue 20, Minsk, Belarus

Sergey Shabohin; Elena Krushevskaja, AMPby (online), Minsk, Belarus

Young Belarusian Art; (catalog) 99-100 pages, Moscow, Russia

20 pARTisan; pARTisan (magazine), issue 20, 17 and 70-71 pages, Minsk, Belarus

Discussion About Theater Education: Academy in Ruins; pARTisan (online), Minsk, Belarus 

Art for Art; Alesia Beljavec, Art (magazine), issue 12, Minsk, Belarus

Suchart; disk about the young front Belarusian contemporary art (CD), 34Mag.net and Art Aktivist.org, Minsk, Belarus

The Political Like Personal: Belarusian Contemporary Art 10 Years Later; Olga Shparaga, pARTisan (magazine), issue 20, 22-27 pages, Minsk, Belarus

About Contemporary «Partisan»; Valentin Akudovich, pARTisan (online), Belarus

Belarus Beats Directly in the Eye; Eduard Steiner, Belarus (catalog), catalog of the exhibition Young Belarusian Art, Moscow, Russia

Society in Belarus: Borders, Trust, Solidarity; pARTisan (online), Belarus

Released Jubilee 20th «pARTisan»: We Are 10 Years!; pARTisan (online), Belarus

Partisan Nomads; Lena Prents and Olga Rybczynskaja, Korydor (online), Ukraine

Europe n; (catalog) GermanyThe Radius оf Zero. The Ontology оf Art-Zero; (catalog) Minsk, Belarus

Banners and Diaries; (catalog) Tbilisi, Georgia

Roving Eye the Art Activist. Interview with Sergey Shabohin; Maxim Karbanovich, mapstep.by (online), Minsk, Belarus
Sound Of Silence: Art Against Dictatorship; (newspaper-catalog) EFA Project Space, New York, USA

Five; KG (newspaper), issue 4, Minsk, Belarus

Walls and a Stage for Contemporary Art; Art (magazine), issue 2, Minsk, Belarus

Art for attractions?; Tatiana Kondratenko, Art (magazine), issue 7, Minsk, Belarus

Partisan Nomads; Lena Prents and Olga Rybczynskaja, exhibition Journey to the East (catalog), Poland

West of East; (catalog) Y Gallery, Minsk, Belarus

Festival inSpiracje; (catalog) Szczecin, Poland

Sergey Shabohin: Installation ST()RE; gogomel.net (online), Gomel, Belarus

I am Interested to Watch the Audience Who Was Watching Me; Taciana Arcimovic, pARTisan (magazine), issue 13, 46–53 page, Minsk, Belarus

Free Fall; (catalog) Tbilisi, Georgia

To be Contemporary, Photo Should be Political?; Poleschuk Svetlana, Fotokvartals (online), Lithuania

Revolution Art: Justs So Stories; (catalog) Tbilisi, Georgia

The Journey to the East; (catalog) Arsenal Gallery, Bialystok, Poland

Sergey Shabohin: Today Belarussian Artists is Not Partisan and Take an Active Role; Tatiana Artimovich, New Europe (online), Belarus

Opening the Door? Belarusian Art Today, (newspaper-catalog) Zacheta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, Poland

Sergey Shabohin: Art Commercialism Cycle; Sgustok (online and pdf), issue 2, Belarus

St()re; festival Art Boom (catalog), Krakow, Poland

Opening the Door? Belarusian Art Today; (catalog) Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius, Lithuania

Mitoraj vs. Shabohin; Piotr Zdybal, Contemporarybelarus (online), Poland

Contemporary Belarusian Art, from Second-Hand for Authenticity; Anastasia Meleshko, New Europe (online), Belarus

Generation NEXT: Continuity and Innovation; Art (magazine), issue 7, Minsk, Belarus

Vis-a-Vis. Actual Dialoges; (catalog) Y Gallery, Minsk, Belarus
Interview with Artist Sergey Shabohin; Roman Romanovich, kyky.org (online), Belarus

Neo-Pop Art in Belarusian?; Olga Shparaga, New Europe (online), Belarus

The Crowd Philosophy. Belarusian Neo-Pop Art; (pdf-catalog) Minsk, Belarus

An Artist Must Be Sincere; Kira Tatianina, New Europe (online and pdf), Belarus

The Winner of the Belarusian Hall 53 Venice Biennale Recognized Artist Sergey Shabohin; Tut.by (online), Belarus

The Belarusian Hall 53 Venice Biennale; (catalog) Minsk, Belarus
Actual Whether Unofficial Art in Belarus?; Photoscope (online), Belarus