Research and plein air:
ID: A17.1

Research plein air:
PUST* in Belavezha Forest

July 5 – 18, 2017  

The plein air conference is devoted to the research of the Belovezhsky Agreement of 1991.

Minsk and Belavezha Forest, Belarus

PUST*  team:
Yuri Akbalkan, Daria Plokhova, Alexandra Portyannikova, Sergey Shabohin, Snezhana Vinogradova

Alexey Kubasov

Goethe-Institut St. Petersburg

Working materials

The project ПУСТ* (PUST*) refers to events that took place on December 7-8, 1991, during which the presidents of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus signed the Belavezha Accords, officially dissolving the Soviet Union and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

The authors of the ПУСТ* project are representative of a generation that witnessed the disintegration of the Soviet Union and thereby helped shape the historical trauma of the era.
Belavezha Accords,

ПУСТ (PUST) – the title of the project refers to the Old-Slavic etymology of the word пуща (Puschtscha), which means a “primeval forest”. The word was formed from the short form of the adjective пуст (empty). Several words from the same root can be found in Slavic languages: пустота (emptiness), пустыня (desert), пусть (let it be).