Group exhibition:
ID: E22.11
23 – 30 September, 2022
Tactics of Resistance programm, ZKM Entrance Hall, Karlsruhe, Germany
Ahmet Öğüt, Anatoly Belov, Anton Karyuk, Bergamot, Clemens V. Wedemeyer, Dan Perjovschi, Daniil Galkin, Daria Sazanovich, Fantastic Little Splash, Francis Alÿs, Hito Steyerl, Kinder Album, Lesia Pcholka, Lia Dostlieva & Andrii Dostliev, Marina Naprushkina, Mykola Ridnyi, Nadya Sayapina, Nikita Kadan, Red Forest, Sergey Bratkov, Sergey Shabohin, Serhiy Popov, Sven Bergelt, Toni Meštrović, Uladzimir Hramovich & Lesia Pcholka, Vitaly Yankovy, Work Hard! Play Hard! Working Group, Yurii Ivantsyk
Tatiana Kochubinska and Maxim Tyminko
Video Practices of Subordination Cycle: Score, 2021

Sergey Shabohin:
video Practices of Subordination Cycle: Score, 2021
video Practices of Subordination Cycle: Score, 2021
Explication: presents 8 short video programs, which will be shown every hour during a week on a big screen in the entrance hall of ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe. The duration of each program is from 6 to 13 minutes. The programmes are collections of artworks from the platform combined topically: ART OF RESISTANCE, CHOREOGRAPHY OF WAR, DECOLONIZATION, EMANCIPATORY PRACTICES, INFRASTRUCTURE OF CARE, POLITICAL VISION, TACTICS OF RESISTANCE and THEORY.
