Group exhibition:
ID: E21.6




October 7 — November 3, 2021

Domie, Poznan, Poland

Aleksei Borisionok, Raman Tratsiuk, Vera Zalutskaya
Pavel Preobrazhensky, Sergey Shabohin

Anna Baumgart, Patrycja Cichosz, Lia Dostlieva & Andrii Dostliev, Vika Grebennikova, Uladzimir Hramovich, Kafe-Morozhenoe media activist collective, Annette Krauss, Marina Naprushkina, Agnieszka Polska, Ala Savashevich, Sergey Shabohin, Olia Sosnovskaya, Masha Svyatogor, Raman Tratsiuk, Honza Zamojski

Sergey Shabohin:
collages series
We are Stern Consumers
of Cultural Revolutions:
Patches (Social Marble),

2016 – 2021

The uprisings in Belarus, Black protests in Poland remind us that there are intuitions, affects, intimacy that exist outside the field of knowledge. To know is also to capture, designate, hierarchize, order. Radical non-knowledge, unlearning, eluding the imposed form oppose discipline, control and order. The process of weaning and diversion can be painful, but it can also be fierce joy, willfulness, and cheerful obstinacy. Sarah Ahmed speaks of willfulness as a feminist practice of killjoy – interrupting sexist conversation, avoiding a shared model of happiness, refusing to live the way we are forced to. Figures of radical non-knowledge – such as Dunno, Molla Nasredin, the ignorant teacher Joseph Jacotot, or the feminist killjoy, question the structure of a world that does not suit them – and come up with possibilities for its transformation. Likewise, the artists whose works are part of the exhibition invent new forms of (un)learning, refusal and resistance. They question temporality and ideas based on a linear understanding of time – the lessons of history, denial of the past, fetishism of the future, and offer other models of affectation, participation and living.

Rönne Stiftung (Berlin), The Research Platform of the Belаrusian Contemporary Art KALEKTAR.org (Minsk/Poznań), Supported by German Federal Foreign Office, Civil Society Cooperation
Domie (social, artistic, architectural and economic experiment of collective care), Stowarzyszenie Komplet, Galeria Miejska Arsenał, Arsenal Gallery in Białystok
