Tour group exhibition:
100 Flags
on the 100th Anniversary
of the Polish Women's Suffrage
May 17 — July 28, 2019
Central Museum of Textiles, Lodz, Poland
April 4 – May 10, 2019
BWA Wrocław Awangarda Gallery display windows, Wroclaw, Poland
Marta Kowalewska, 100 FLAG collective
Bruno Althamer, Justyna Apolinarzak, Agata Araszkiewicz, Yuliia Bashmat, Martyna Beskiewicz, Magda Bielesz, Julia Bistuła, Katka Blajchert, Ewa Bloom Kwiatkowska, Dominika Bogdan, Katarzyna Bratkowska, Karolina Breguła i robotnice chińskie, Darya Buben, Angelika Ciach, Izabela Chamczyk, Dorota Chilińska, Wojciech Chrubasik, Anna Chudzik-Pawlik, Tomasz Chwiałkowski, Ewa Ciepielewska, Adelina Cimochowicz, Aleksandra Cybulska, Iwona Demko, Marta Deskur, Kati Dobrogo, Jola Domagała, Anna Domańska, Monika Drożyńska, Olga Dziubak, ERNA WOLF Kolektiv, Fero, FRAKCJA [Grupa Artystek z Łodzi], Karolina Freino, Galeria Próżnia w Szczecinie, Magdalena Gaładyk, Stefania Gazda, Julia Golachowska, Gosia Golińska, Katarzyna Górna, Jana Górska, Aleksandra Grabarz, Diana Grabowska, Joanna Graniczkowska, Grupa nad Wisłą, Olga Grybowicz, Barbara Gryka, Gosia Grzegorek, Marta Grzegorek, Piotr Grzegorek, Bożena Grzyb-Jarodzka, Maciej Harland, Zuzanna Hertzberg, Marta Horlitz, Elżbieta Jabłońska, Zuzanna Janin, Łucja Januszko, Paweł Jarodzki, Edka Jarząb, Barbara Kaczorowska, Joanna Kalinowska, Kasia Kalinowska, Katarzyna Kalinowska, Filip Kalkowski, Anna Kalwajtys, Krystian Kamiński, Mirosław Klimkiewicz, Kobiety z Puszczy, Zofia Kofta, Zuzanna Kofta, Jagoda Kolanus, Oskar Kolbert, Piotr Kopik, Agata Korba, Ola Korbańska, Kuba Korczak, Jerzy Kosałka, Marta Kossakowska,Wojtek Kostrzewa, Stanisław Kotwicki, Wojciech Kotwicki, Mateusz Kowalczyk, Gabriela Kowaliczek, Piotr C. Kowalski, Grzegorz Kozera, Ola Kozioł, Joanna Kozłowska, Anna Krenz, Sebastian Krok, Anna Królikiewicz, Karolina Kubik, Jędrzej Kucznerowicz, Jana Kuczynska, Jagoda Kwiatkowska, Przemysław Kwiek, Ewa Latkowska-Żychska, Legia Rugby Sekcja Kobiet, Leśna Partyzantka, Anka Leśniak, Katarzyna Lewandowska, Suavas Levy, Piotruś Leziak, Emilia Lipa, Justyna Los, Lustych, Blanka Łątka, Magda Łuczyn, Izabela Maciejewska, Marta Madejska, Filip Madejski, Katarzyna Mądrzycka-Adamczyk [Ja, Kosmos], Dominika Majewska, Aleksandra Majzel, Monika Mamzeta, Aurelia Mandziuk, Małgorzata Markiewicz, Józef Markiewicz, Mateusz Matysek, Międzywydziałowe Koło Naukowe FAK [Feministyczna Akcja Kreatywna] / ASP w Gdańsku, Danka Milewska, Martyna Miller, Anna Michniewicz, Marzena Mirewicz-Czumaczenko, Paulina Mirowska, Marta Mojnowska, MY PAS (przyszli adepci sztuki), Ivo Nikić, Tomasz Opania, Anna Orbaczewska, Witek Orski, Emilia Orzechowska, Patrycja Orzechowska, Marta Ostajewska, Wiktoria Owczarek, Anna Pacholik, Aleksandra Parol, Laura Pawela, Joanna Pawlik, Anka Pelc z córką Michaliną, Aga Pindera, Monika Pitera, Joanna Plis, Dorota Podlaska, Aleka Polis, Yola Ponton, Dorota Przygucka, Joanna Rajkowska z córką Różą, Anna Rajzer, Teresa Ewa Redmer, Grażyna Rigall, Alicja Rogalska, Barbara Romanowska, Sonia Roszkowska, Dominik Róg, Marcin Rupiewicz, Joanna Rusinek, Aleksandra Sadulska, Anna Sałata, Jadwiga Sawicka, Sergey Shabohin, Anna Shimomura, Ida Sielska, Siostry Rzeki, Stowarzyszenie Sistrum – Przestrzeń Kultury Lesbijskiej, Aleksandra Ska, Sofiia Skrypnikova, Małgorzata Skuza, Marta Skuza, Marta Sobala, Michalina Staniszewska, Jacx Badder Staniszewski / R.O.A.D., Magda Staroszczyk, Samuel Stevens, Oskar Soltyk, Pomme Soltyk, Monika Stolarska, Joanna Suchecka, Kacper Szalecki, Emilia Szostak, Aga Szreder, Marta Szulc, Kamila Szejnoch, Agata Sztorc, Iwona Teodorczuk-Możdżyńska, Grzegorz Tomczewski, Milena Tomkiewicz, Toruńskie Dziewuchy, Dorota Trysła, Katarzyna Tykałowska, Dorota Walentynowicz, Aleksandra Wałaszek, Olga Wałkowska, Monika Waraxa, Warszawski Strajk Kobiet, Tassa Was, Helena Wasilewska, Monika Weychert-Waluszko, Krzysztof Wiluch, Anna Wilczyńska, Lena Wilemska, Maks Wilemski, Olga Winiarczyk, Natalia Wiśniewska, Ania Witkowska, Olga Wolniak, Kamila Wolszczak, Agnieszka Wołodźko, Lea Wróblewska, Wytwórnia Wykwitex, Polina Vashkevich, Agata Zbylut, Dżesika Zemsta, Marcelina Żaba, Agnieszka Żechowska, Dariusz Żukowski, Rafał Żwirek, Natalia Żychska, Uczennice z II LO w Ostrowie Wielkopolskim wraz z nauczycielką języka polskiego Justyną Żulicką (Julia Binkowska, Wiktoria Bojanowska, Ola Celmer, Paulina Dera, Maja Grzesiak, Wiktoria Jakubowicz, Wiktoria Kałużny, Alicja Kotowska, Klaudia Kowalska, Żaneta Kryjom, Paulina Łacina, Paula Macioszek, Anna Markowska, Marcelina Mrozek, Marcelina Nowicka, Paulina Pilarczyk, Patrycja Ratajczyk, Kinga Smoleń, Julia Stawicka, Zuza Tomalak, Natalia Wlazła, Angelika Zemska), Uczniowie i uczennice Szkoły Podstawowej Specjalnej nr 244 W Warszawie (Olek, Kacper, Michał, Kacper, Paulina, Ania, Piotr, Jerzy, Eryk, Gabrysia, Kinga, Natalia, Marek, Jerzy i Marek) i inni.
Explication (in Wroclaw):
Visit the exhibition prepared by the students of Mediation of Art of the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław, presented in the display windows of Wrocław’s BWA Awangarda Gallery.
100 Flags for the 100th Anniversary of Giving Voting Rights to Polish Women is a project crowning the initiative of a grassroots social and artistic movement. The idea for 100 Flags was conceived as a reaction to the social situation in 2018, when a number of celebrations, marches, exhibitions, reconstructions and other initiatives referring to the centenary of Poland’s independence flooded the public sphere. The project assumed a basic purpose: to remind people about an equally significant, but at that time seemingly completely forgotten anniversary – the centenary of gaining voting rights by women, falling on 28 November 2018. “FLAG” was the leading theme, and every creative person was welcome to create their own manifesto, irrespective of sex, age or educational background. In response to the open call, over 220 flags were created by 270 people from all over Poland, or to be more precise – from all over the world, as the flags arrived from countries like Kenya, Brazil, China, Holland and Germany, says the 100 FLAGS Collective.
The March of 100 Flags held in Warsaw in November 2018 culminated the undertaking. Objects created by the participants were first shown at BWA Warsaw, then arranged and presented in the form of an exhibition at Warsaw’s Exhibition Office. Symbolic presentations of the flags were also held at the Museum of Contemporary Art and lokal_30 gallery in Warsaw.
The Wrocław edition of the project is its evolution. Prepared by the students of Mediation of Art of Wrocław’s ASP, it gains new meanings and contexts, and – extended to include new exhibits – provokes renewed discussions, performative events, social and artistic actions depending on the venue and new groups of active creators-recipients.
The 100 Flags project may be seen from the side of Wita Stwosza Street in Awangarda’s display windows as the gallery’s interior exhibition space has been closed since February 2019.
100 Flags for the 100th Anniversary of Giving Voting Rights to Polish Women is a project crowning the initiative of a grassroots social and artistic movement. The idea for 100 Flags was conceived as a reaction to the social situation in 2018, when a number of celebrations, marches, exhibitions, reconstructions and other initiatives referring to the centenary of Poland’s independence flooded the public sphere. The project assumed a basic purpose: to remind people about an equally significant, but at that time seemingly completely forgotten anniversary – the centenary of gaining voting rights by women, falling on 28 November 2018. “FLAG” was the leading theme, and every creative person was welcome to create their own manifesto, irrespective of sex, age or educational background. In response to the open call, over 220 flags were created by 270 people from all over Poland, or to be more precise – from all over the world, as the flags arrived from countries like Kenya, Brazil, China, Holland and Germany, says the 100 FLAGS Collective.
The March of 100 Flags held in Warsaw in November 2018 culminated the undertaking. Objects created by the participants were first shown at BWA Warsaw, then arranged and presented in the form of an exhibition at Warsaw’s Exhibition Office. Symbolic presentations of the flags were also held at the Museum of Contemporary Art and lokal_30 gallery in Warsaw.
The Wrocław edition of the project is its evolution. Prepared by the students of Mediation of Art of Wrocław’s ASP, it gains new meanings and contexts, and – extended to include new exhibits – provokes renewed discussions, performative events, social and artistic actions depending on the venue and new groups of active creators-recipients.
The 100 Flags project may be seen from the side of Wita Stwosza Street in Awangarda’s display windows as the gallery’s interior exhibition space has been closed since February 2019.
100 FLAG collective