Group exhibition:
ID: E15.4
Fear. The Origin of the State
September 24 — October 28, 2015
Kunsthalle Žilina, Žilina, Slovakia
Fedor Blaščák, Christian Kobald
Zbyňek Baladrán, Igor & Ivan Buharov, Constant Dullaart, Ágnes Eperjesi, Dani Gal, Ján Gašparovič, Rokko Juhász, Nikita Kadan, Martin Kollár, Andrey Kuzkin, Denisa Lehocká, Michal Moravčík, Boris Ondreička, Sergey Shabohin, Vladislav Shapovalov, Juraj Sukop, Tomáš Svoboda
Photo from the project And There is Nothing Left

Sergey Shabohin:
photo from the project
And There is Nothing Left,
Kunsthalle Žilina, Žilina,
Slovakia, 2015
photo from the project
And There is Nothing Left,
Kunsthalle Žilina, Žilina,
Slovakia, 2015
The state originates in fear
which does not paralyse us,
but drives us forward towards virtuosness,
friendships and sense of humour.
Fear closes the relationship with the human’s own fear to itself. Uroboros is a symbol of a serpent eating its own tail. Knowing why we experience fear may lead to realising our own weakness. It may easily happen that the weakest individual kills and destroys the strongest one.
When David from the legend took off his armour and said he would rather go into battle without it, he had known that relying on one’s own powers means being able to understand that the other one possesses more power by nature.
Yet when a certain maltreated child in the 20th century took a decision to defeat Europe in adulthood, he drew his conclusion from the security about his own destiny which caused the destruction of his own state, as he did not know that relying on one’s own powers does not mean mocking the weakness of the other one. Obedience of a child based solely on fear became the principle of his despotic rule which led to killing and perishing of millions.
Each of us was once a child of someone who loved us and knew why they care about our safety and was therefore bound to teach us the ability to rise above oneself – for when children are children, they are not aware of being children.
Defiance together with being convinced about harming is FEAR.
The same with a hope to avert the harm thanks to resistance is BRAVERY.
We learn the ability to rise above ourselves (virtuosness, friendships and sense of humour) by defying the fear which paralyses us and with resistance which drives us forward.
«Favours come to us from gods
seated on their solemn thrones
— manifested as fear and violence»
(Aeschylus, Oresteia)
which does not paralyse us,
but drives us forward towards virtuosness,
friendships and sense of humour.
Fear closes the relationship with the human’s own fear to itself. Uroboros is a symbol of a serpent eating its own tail. Knowing why we experience fear may lead to realising our own weakness. It may easily happen that the weakest individual kills and destroys the strongest one.
When David from the legend took off his armour and said he would rather go into battle without it, he had known that relying on one’s own powers means being able to understand that the other one possesses more power by nature.
Yet when a certain maltreated child in the 20th century took a decision to defeat Europe in adulthood, he drew his conclusion from the security about his own destiny which caused the destruction of his own state, as he did not know that relying on one’s own powers does not mean mocking the weakness of the other one. Obedience of a child based solely on fear became the principle of his despotic rule which led to killing and perishing of millions.
Each of us was once a child of someone who loved us and knew why they care about our safety and was therefore bound to teach us the ability to rise above oneself – for when children are children, they are not aware of being children.
Defiance together with being convinced about harming is FEAR.
The same with a hope to avert the harm thanks to resistance is BRAVERY.
We learn the ability to rise above ourselves (virtuosness, friendships and sense of humour) by defying the fear which paralyses us and with resistance which drives us forward.
«Favours come to us from gods
seated on their solemn thrones
— manifested as fear and violence»
(Aeschylus, Oresteia)