ID: A24.1


June 15 – July 15, 2024  

Staromiejski Dom Kultury, Warsaw, Poland

Staromiejski Dom Kultury, 2024

About residence:
Monthly scholarship program from Staromiejski Dom Kultury. Thanks for the invitation to Marcin Jasiński, Kinga Cieplińska, Kaja Werbanowska, and the team of the institution.

The result of the residency was an exhibition Demonstrative Mimicry:
7 Videos in the Basement

Logo design:
ID: N23.3

Design: OM Podcast

December 1, 2023

Logo and design for the OM Podcast

Design and photos:
Sergey Shabohin


ID: A23.2

Berlin: the Thirst for Freedom

July 20 – August 27, 2023  

Berlin, Germany
Goethe Institut Berlin and platformB


About residence:
The residence was provided for the filming of a new video about Berlin and the thirst for freedom. 

Special thanks to: Christine FischerLena PrentsAnna Bakinovskaia

ID: N23.2

Imagining OpenMuzej Belarus

19 – 20 June, 2023

Pilecki Institut, Berlin

Public program:
2 days conference

Imagining OpenMuzej Belarus:
community, contemporary art, engagement

June 19–20, 2023

Pilecki Institut, Pariser platz, 4A, Mitte, 10117, Berlin

Since 2022, a team of experts and professionals in the field of contemporary Belarusian art and culture have been working on the idea of establishing a public museum focused on research, archiving, preservation, support, development, demonstration and popularization of contemporary art of Belarus.

Perceiving museum as a process and a community, as a joint experience of practicing public history and a way of understanding the world as well as respecting art/culture as a right of every person the team sees and develops the OpenMuzej (OM) as a nomadic infrastructure.

The activity of The OpenMuzej addresses wides audiences and adheres to the principles of openness, mutual responsibility, interdisciplinarity, innovation based on the initiation and joint implementation of research, exhibition, educational and popularization projects with the involvement of Belarusian cultural actors – both in Belarus and in forced emigration.

On June 19-20 with support from Pilecki Institut Berlin we will organize a 2 days conference in order to discuss the role of museums as a place of community building and consolidation of the professional community and wide audiences.

Core audience:
Belarusian and foreign experts in the field of contemporary art and culture, representatives of international culture institutes and culture policy decision makers.



New project:
ID: N23.1

Оpen Muzej

June 2, 2023

The project was initiated by a group of Belarusian professionals and experts in the sphere of contemporary art. Our goal is to create an open public museum focused on research, archiving, preservation, support, development and demonstration of Belarusian contemporary art. Perceiving museum as a process and a community, as a joint experience of practicing public history and a way of understanding the world as well as respecting art/culture as a right of every person the team sees and develops the Open Muzej (OM) as a nomadic infrastructure.

We see this structure as a horizontal, free, ecological, inclusive and polyphonic organization. The special focus of the project is to build a horizontal network structure like a "mycelium” with the ability to sprout fruit in the most unexpected places. Hence, decentralization, collective intelligence, spontaneity, freedom, and nomadic infrastructure become the main concepts concentrating the meanings OM.

Contemporary art as a part of Belarusian national identity is investigated through the similarity with other cultural experiences: from the construct of the national to the universal. The strategies of "pamezhnasci" (borderland) – intercultural and supranational practices combining elements of different cultures and "tutejshasci" (from-here-ness) as a response to the uncertainty of the context caused by the fact that most of the cultural representatives are now in migration, practicing fluidity and flexibility in relation to new conditions and the new nomadic experience of life and work – find their expression here.


Anna Chistoserdova
Iryna Con
Valentina Kiselyovа
Sergey Shabohin

With participation: 
Yulia Bardun and Antonina Stebur