
Materials: 18 canvas, acrylic
Copies: 1
Size: 18:24x18
Status: In the museum collection, Arsenal Gallery, Bialystok, Poland
Materials: 18 canvas, acrylic
Copies: 1
Size: 18:24x18
Status: In the museum collection, Arsenal Gallery, Bialystok, Poland
Sergey Shabohin: Practices of Subordination, Galeria Arsenal Power station, Bialystok, Poland
White-Red-White. Contemporary Belarusian Art, CSW Toruń, Toruń, Poland
Sergey Shabohin: 18 / Practices of Subordination, Canteen XYZ, Minsk, Belarus (documentation)
Pose, Subordination, Festivities and Hedgehogs. Young Belarusian Artist, Aperto Raum, Berlin, Germany (documentation)
New Works in the Arsenal Gallery Collection II, Arsenal Gallery Power station, Bialystok, Poland
Sergey Shabohin: Practices of Subordination, Galeria Arsenal Power station, Bialystok, Poland
White-Red-White. Contemporary Belarusian Art, CSW Toruń, Toruń, Poland
Sergey Shabohin: 18 / Practices of Subordination, Canteen XYZ, Minsk, Belarus (documentation)
Pose, Subordination, Festivities and Hedgehogs. Young Belarusian Artist, Aperto Raum, Berlin, Germany (documentation)
New Works in the Arsenal Gallery Collection II, Arsenal Gallery Power station, Bialystok, Poland